
甜美清新:热带旅行 Annemarie - Apple

2008-11-05 22:57
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Song:Apple (Suicide on your Stereo Set)

The sky was blue when she came by my side
on a weekend summer sunshine
birds fly around the river high goes by..

Don't expect any help
Tuesday morning sing aside
you might do suicide tonight..

Hold down for the kiss of glory sound,
you might rise to be the one,
it seems right things on my mind,
apple says I wanna sing along
Pa pa.. pa pa.. pa pa..

Not what I imagined when she said
she's really fine with me
took a friend going out and then hang around..

Took me to heaven ride
go, make me feel alright with the beauty that
you've had in your hand.

听完音乐,也要提升自己 o(∩_∩)o

Hold down for the kiss of glory sound,
you might rise to be the one,
it seems right things on my mind,
apple says I wanna sing along
Pa pa.. pa pa.. pa pa..

Don't expect any help
Tuesday morning sing aside
you might do suicide tonight..

Hold down for the kiss of glory sound,
you might rise to be the one,
it seems right things on my mind,
apple says I wanna sing along
Pa pa.. pa pa.. pa pa..
(sing along with me)
(different heaven ride again..)

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    Annemarie是一支不错的、来自印度尼西亚,爪哇的twee pop (矫情流行)乐队。早在2004年底时,Eko 和 Iqbal就经常讨论组建一支twee pop乐队的事,然后他们就询问了校友Banyu, Dian, Tantri 和Tating 是否愿意加入这个乐队。Annemarie的音乐混和了多种元素。像Eko喜欢Velvet Underground,Iqbal崇拜他的tweep pop和Smiths的精选,Banyu则深受Blur的影响,Dian有他独特的madchester(曼切斯特音乐)风格,Tating喜欢CocteauTwins和Joy Division,而Trantri也是深受了她个人etherreal pop项目的影响。综合起来,他们都深深的爱上了indie pop(独立流行)音乐。

    2006年初,他们的首张专辑"The Living Model EP"由Music Is My Girlfriend(音乐是我女友)公司发行。然而就在录玩"The Living Model EP"后,Eko和Tating就离开了乐队。也就在录制 "ABC on TV"期间,Inu和Jojon加入进来,并成为Annemarie乐队成员。Annemarie现在已经创造出了最好的twee pop音乐。因为那富有质感的吉他,甜美的嗓音,还有充满才气的旋律,他们已经紧紧抓住了Acid House Kings, Red Sleeping Beauty, The Charade, Shoestrings 和 The Fairways 乐迷fans的心。

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