
“朋克精灵”艾薇儿情定乐队主唱 盘点出道十年情路历程

沪江英语 2012-08-22 18:45
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不过从新未婚夫的身份来看,艾薇儿钟情的对象还是一如既往——才华横溢的乐队主唱。从流行朋克乐队SUM 41的Deryck Whibley,到好莱坞名门之后布罗迪·詹纳(Brody Jenner),再到五分钱乐队的主唱查德克·罗格……兜兜转转一圈下来才发现,乐队主唱才是她的理想型!

第一任丈夫 Deryck Whibley

Lavigne and Deryck Whibley, lead singer and guitarist for the band Sum 41, began dating when Lavigne was 19 years old, after being friends since she was 17. Only a few weeks before they met, Lavigne admitted that she was not meeting boys because her bodyguards were frightening them away. In June 2005, Whibley surprised Lavigne with a trip to Venice, including a gondola ride and a romantic picnic, and on 27 June, he proposed to her.
艾薇儿和Deryck Whibley(加拿大SUM 41乐队主唱,该乐队是新朋克浪潮中的弄潮儿,他们带有新金属气质的朋克乐,让人耳目一新)在艾薇儿19岁的时候开始约会。就在他们见面之前,艾薇儿还说不会见男孩子了,因为保镖会把接近她的统统吓跑。2005年6月,Whibley在与艾薇儿前往威尼斯的旅途中,给了艾薇儿一个惊喜——6月27日,Whibley正式向艾薇儿求婚。

第一任丈夫 Deryck Whibley

She at first wanted to have a "rock n' roll, goth wedding", but she admitted to having doubts about going against tradition. "I've been dreaming about my wedding day since I was a little girl. I have to wear the white dress.... People thought that I would [wear a] black wedding dress, and I would have. But at the same time, I was thinking about the wedding pictures, and I wanted to be in style. I didn't want to be thinking, 20 years later, 'Oh, why did I wear my hair like that?'"

2006年7月15日 两人喜结连理

The wedding was held on 15 July 2006. About 110 guests attended the wedding, which was held at a private estate in Montecito, California. Lavigne, wearing a gown designed by Vera Wang walked down the aisle with her father, Jean-Claude, to Mendelssohn's "Wedding March". Lavigne chose a colour theme of red and white, including red rose petals and centrepieces of distinctly coloured flowers. The wedding included cocktails for an hour before the reception and a sit-down dinner. The song "Iris", by the Goo Goo Dolls, was played during Lavigne and Whibley's first dance.
2006年7月15日,21岁的艾薇儿与Deryck Whibley在加州举行了一场盛大的婚礼,共邀请了大约110名宾客前来参加。当天,艾薇儿一袭Vera Wang白色低胸婚纱十分惊艳,而婚礼背景音乐《Could This Be Love》也随着婚礼一炮而红。

2009年9月18日 两人宣布正式分居

Seven months into their marriage, Lavigne stated that she was "the best thing that's ever happened to him", and suggested that she helped Whibley stay off drugs since they had begun dating. "He doesn't do drugs. Clearly, he used to, because he talked about it, but I wouldn't be with someone who did, and I made that very clear to him when we first started dating. I've never done cocaine in my life, and I'm proud of that. I am 100 percent against drugs."

The marriage lasted a little more than three years. It was announced on 17 September 2009 that Lavigne and Whibley had split up and that divorce papers would soon follow. On 9 October 2009, Lavigne filed for divorce, releasing the statement, "I am grateful for our time together, and I am grateful and blessed for our remaining friendship." The divorce was finalized on 16 November 2010, officially ending the marriage.



新男友布罗迪·詹纳Brody Jenner

与老公离婚不久,艾薇儿便有了新男友布罗迪·詹纳(Brody Jenner),在2010年8月9日,艾薇儿便与未来婆婆'交流感情’。一次当艾薇儿在海边冲浪时,艾薇儿和Brody Jenner碰巧参加一个电视真人秀节目策划的冲浪活动课程(两人那时还互不相识)。其间玩的正起兴时,一阵巨浪袭击,将本来就不擅冲浪的艾薇儿击落,随后她就跌入呼啸的海浪中。就在这时陌生的Brody Jenner迅速冲过去将其救起,拖向海边.惊魂未定的艾薇儿因吞咽太多海水,狂咳不止。等她缓过神儿来才意识到是Brody Jenner救了她,自然是感动不已。 现年25岁的加拿大摇滚歌手艾薇儿,被现年26岁的Brody Jenner迷上了,并在车里热吻的火辣场面。这对正在热恋中的情侣在推特上表达了彼此的爱意,还纹身来做对爱的纪念。


Brody Jenner, that gorgeous boy who's not on TV nearly enough, and Avril Lavigne, that little mall rocker chick that was famous about 10 years ago, called it quits after two years of dating. The pair reportedly had trouble balancing their career ambitions with their relationship and decided it was best if they remove themselves from the situation.




In the spring of 2010, Lavigne began dating reality TV personality Brody Jenner. They split in January 2012.[170] She subsequently quietly began dating fellow Canadian rocker Chad Kroeger, frontman of the band Nickelback, in February 2012. The relationship blossomed when they got together to co-write a song for Lavigne's upcoming fifth album. After six months of dating, Lavigne announced her engagement to Kroeger in August 2012.
在与好莱坞名门公子Brody Jenner分手之后,艾薇儿火速进入下一段恋情,与来自加拿大摇滚乐队五分钱的主唱Chad Kroeger谱出恋曲,他们在共同创作艾薇儿第五张专辑的时候擦出火花,在六个月之后的8月8日,查德克·罗格用14克拉的大钻戒俘获了艾薇儿的芳心。


