
“非唱不可”英语赛区初赛036号《Last night of the Dynasty》

沪江英乐 2012-07-14 14:00
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沪江英乐:这首《Last night of the Dynasty》来自于专辑《Story of a City》,原唱是Dave Liang。由britneylee童鞋翻唱上传,为“非唱不可”第二届外文歌曲大赛英语赛区的第36号作品,如若大家喜欢britneylee童鞋的翻唱,不如去给他/她投上一票吧。投票戳这里~~~~

选手心声:“唱的这首Last night of Dynasty是一首深有意境的歌,来自专辑【The Shanghai Restoration Project-Story of a City】。首先先介绍一下这张专辑,这张专辑是美国的华裔制作人DJ Dave Liang制作的第二张专辑。专辑的创作是以20世纪关于上海的故事为背景展开的,依旧围绕着上海这个不变的主题.这张专辑中有许多才华横溢的艺人制作人都加入了进来,如:Moby, Kanye West, Wynton Marsalis, Erykah Badu, Cirque du Soleil等等。 希望大家能够喜欢并且支持我! Thanks!! ^.^ ”

《Last night of the Dynasty》
原唱:Dave Liang


‘Round the clock we battled hard all year
Soaked ourselves in sweat, our blood and our tears
Conquerors we end up gathered here
Unified but soon we say goodbye
When tomorrow becomes today

Some wanna change the world
Some just want the fame
Some might choose to disappear
While the rest of us remain

When the night gives way to morning
We will go our separate ways
Let’s make this
Our night to celebrate

Sentimental air becomes so thick
Movers, shakers, wanderers in our midst
Commit to memory every single face
Wish the best and leave the rest to fate
Say farewell tonight

Some try to face the truth
Some would rather live a lie
Most of us will spend our years
Treading both sides of the line

When the night gives way to morning
We will go our separate ways
Let’s make this
Our night to celebrate

One round, better drink it all down
Try to live it up now, don’t wait for another day  





