
Katy Perry发布《Wide Awake》MV:梦醒时分

沪江英语 2012-06-14 12:00
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Katy Perry

Katy Perry attends the City of Hope event held at The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA on Tuesday (June 12) in Los Angeles.

The 27-year-old singer joined the Music And Entertainment Industry Group as they honored Bob Pittman, the founder of MTV.

A teaser trailer for Katy’s upcoming “Wide Awake” video was just released. The complete video will debut on MTV on June 19. We can’t wait to see the finished product!

Make sure to catch Katy Perry: Part of Me in 3D when it hits theaters on July 5.

沪江娱乐:当地时间6月12日,Katy Perry出席了在美国洛杉矶当代艺术馆举行的希望之城活动,当日她的造型非常复古而抢眼。据悉这位27岁的女歌手被MTV创始人发现并出道,几个年头下来累积了非常高的人气,创作出了无数上佳作品。如今她发布了最新单曲《Wide Awake》MV的预告片,预告片中讲述了属于katy的童话世界,该MV的正式版本将于6月19日在MTV频道发布。

单曲视听:Katy Perry《Wide Awake》


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