
英格兰,颤抖吧!:PJ Harvey - The Glorious Land

DR 2012-01-28 08:30
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Pj Harvey 准备了两年时间在5周内录制完成的第八张唱片在2011年的情人节前夕问世,据说,录音地点选在了一个在悬崖边上面向大海的19世纪大教堂。略微试听一下,似乎所言非虚,Pj Harvey在专辑中非常之多的宣泄了自己的情感,她可以说是直接的,盲目的,或是歇斯底里的,歌词中依然沿袭了政治的色彩和灵魂的拷问。从她的MV中,她的眼神和肢体语言里告诉每个人所要传达出的真实。时过境迁,在二十年的岁月里,布鲁斯朋克女神的称号已成为过去,从表面直白的抗争转入内心的倾诉,进入心灵的战场。

PJ Harvey's eighth album, Let England Shake, comes out February 14 via Island, according to her site. The LP was recorded in an old Dorset, England church with producer Flood and longstanding Harvey collaborators John Parish and Mick Harvey, who will feature in her live band along with drummer Jean-Marc Butty.

The Glorious Land

How is our glorious country ploughed?
Not by iron ploughs
Our lands is ploughed by tanks and feet,

Oh, America
Oh, England
How is our glorious country sown?
Not with wheat and corn.
How is our glorious land bestowed?

What is the glorious fruit of our land?
Its fruit is deformed children.
What is the glorious fruit of our land?
Its fruit is orphaned children. 

相关热点: 英文歌曲 流行音乐 sat