
Green Day归来:Viva La Gloria

2010-05-13 16:00
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沪江英乐讯   Green Day09年的新专辑21st Century Breakdown流行味道比以前浓了一点,专辑的内容也更偏向对社会、宗教问题的思考。这首Viva La Gloria名字不得不让人想到Coldplay的Viva La Vida,只不过歌的内容大不相同。Gloria是该翻译成“荣耀”还是按照音译,也是大家争论不定的话题。

Artist:Green Day
Song:Viva La Gloria

Hey Gloria are you standing close to the edge
Look out to the setting sun
The brink of your vision
Eternal youth is a landscape of the lie
The cracks on my skin can prove
As the years will testify
Say your prayers and light a fire
Were going to start a war
Your slogans a gun for hire
It’s what we waited for
Hey Gloria, this is why were on the edge
The fight of our lives been drawn to this undying love.

Gloria, viva la Gloria
You blast your name in graffiti on the walls
Falling through broken glass that’s
Slashing through your spirit
I can hear it like a jilted crowd
Gloria, Where are you Gloria?
You found a home in all your scars and ammunition
You made your bed in salad days amongst the ruin
Ashes to ashes of our youth

She smashed her knuckles into winter
As autumns wind fades into black
Ahe is the saint on all the sinners
The one that’s fallen through the cracks
So don’t put away your burning light

Gloria, where are you Gloria?
Don’t lose your faith to your lost naivete
Weather the storm and don’t look back on last November
When your banners were burning down

Gloria, viva la Gloria
Send me your amnesty down to the broken hearted
Bring us the season that we always will remember
Don’t let the bonfires go out

So Gloria,
Send out your message of the light that shadows in the night.
Gloria, where’s your undying love?
Tell me your story of your life.

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