

2010-05-11 14:59
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Top 10 College Dropouts Graduation season is upon us, and everyone from President Obama to John Grisham is delivering commencement speeches across the country. TIME looks at some of the most successful people to never receive their sheepskins.

1. Bill Gates 比尔·盖茨
2. Steve Jobs 斯蒂夫·乔布斯
3. Frank Lloyd Wright 弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特
4. Buckminster Fuller 巴克敏斯特·富勒
5. James Cameron 詹姆斯·卡梅
6. Mark Zuckerberg 马克·扎克伯格
7. Tom Hanks 汤姆·汉克斯
8. Harrison Ford 哈里森·福特
9. Lady Gaga
10. Tiger Woods 老虎·伍兹

暑期学习计划有安排了吗?怕热怕晒的话就来沪江网校吧,足不出户,自在学习!沪江网校的暑期“强档”重磅推出了!爱学习的童鞋们赶紧来看看吧 >>

NO.1 Bill Gates 比尔·盖茨


The Harvard Crimson called him "Harvard's most successful dropout" — the rest of the world just calls him ridiculously rich. For more than a decade, Bill Gates has been one of the wealthiest, if not the wealthiest, men in the world. The son of an attorney and a schoolteacher, Gates entered Harvard in the fall of 1973, only to drop out two years later to found Microsoft with childhood friend Paul Allen. In 2007, more than thirty years after he left Harvard, the co-founder of Microsoft would finally receive his degree (an honorary doctorate) from his alma mater. At the commencement, Gates said, "I'm a bad influence. That's why I was invited to speak at your graduation. If I had spoken at your orientation, fewer of you might be here today."


暑期学习计划有安排了吗?怕热怕晒的话就来沪江网校吧,足不出户,自在学习!沪江网校的暑期“强档”重磅推出了!爱学习的童鞋们赶紧来看看吧 >>

NO.2 Steve Jobs 斯蒂夫·乔布斯

【小编点评】 大家都爱苹果和乔布斯!

The Mac, the iPod, heck, even Buzz Lightyear probably wouldn't have existed had Steve Jobs stayed in school. The future wizard of One Infinite Loop dropped out of Reed College after just six months because of the undue financial strain it placed on his working-class parents' savings. He would go on to eventually found Apple, NeXT Computer and Pixar, becoming an instrumental force in shaping the landscape of modern culture. However, his brief tenure in academia was not for naught. In a 2005 commencement speech he gave at Stanford University, Jobs credited a calligraphy class he took at Reed College with forming the basis for the typography used in the first Macintosh computer.


暑期学习计划有安排了吗?怕热怕晒的话就来沪江网校吧,足不出户,自在学习!沪江网校的暑期“强档”重磅推出了!爱学习的童鞋们赶紧来看看吧 >>

NO.3 Frank Lloyd Wright 弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特


America's most celebrated architect spent more time designing colleges than attending them. Frank Lloyd Wright was admitted to the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1886, but left after only one year. He would move to Chicago and eventually apprentice under Louis Sullivan, the "father of modernism." By the time of his passing, Wright's resume included more than 500 works, most famous of which are Fallingwater and New York City's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.


暑期学习计划有安排了吗?怕热怕晒的话就来沪江网校吧,足不出户,自在学习!沪江网校的暑期“强档”重磅推出了!爱学习的童鞋们赶紧来看看吧 >>

NO.4 Buckminster Fuller 巴克敏斯特·富勒


Buckminster Fuller — architect, thinker, inventor, futurist, college dropout. Expelled from Harvard not once, but twice, Fuller's post-dropout period was anything but successful. He suffered a string of bad business ventures and years of anguish following his daughter's death. While Fuller could have settled for a less than extraordinary life — he even contemplated suicide — he refused to buck to the bevy of bad breaks. At the age of 32, Fuller set out on a one man quest to change the world for the better. His unorthodox ideas such as the dymaxion (a portmanteau of dynamic maximum tension) house and dymaxion car captivated the nation, while his iconic geodesic domes would bring him international fame and recognition.


暑期学习计划有安排了吗?怕热怕晒的话就来沪江网校吧,足不出户,自在学习!沪江网校的暑期“强档”重磅推出了!爱学习的童鞋们赶紧来看看吧 >>

NO.5 James Cameron 詹姆斯·卡梅隆


The Academy Award-winning director followed a circuitous route to Hollywood. Born and raised in Canada, he and his family moved to Brea, California in 1971. It was there that the young Cameron enrolled in Fullerton College to study physics. His academic life did not last long. He would drop out, marry a waitress and eventually become a truck driver for the local school district. It was not until he saw Star Wars in 1977 that Cameron would trade his blue collar career for one creating some of the late 20th-century's most stunning (and expensive) science-fiction movies.

1954年8月16日,詹姆斯·卡梅隆出生在加拿大安大略省的一个中产阶级家庭,他的父亲是一个电气工程师,母亲是一个艺术家。中学毕业以后,詹姆斯·卡梅隆被加利福尼亚州立大学(California State University)的物理系录取,他很快就对大学的课程感到失望,跑出校园闯荡社会。他干过机械修理工,给别人开过大卡车。

暑期学习计划有安排了吗?怕热怕晒的话就来沪江网校吧,足不出户,自在学习!沪江网校的暑期“强档”重磅推出了!爱学习的童鞋们赶紧来看看吧 >>

NO.6 Mark Zuckerberg 马克·扎克伯格


Most college students use their dorm rooms to sleep, study, or do things their parents probably don't want to know about. Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook in his. Originally meant only for Harvard students, the popular social networking site quickly spread to the rest of the Ivies and other colleges across the nation. As Facebook's popularity exploded, Zuckerberg packed up his bags and relocated the fledgling company to Palo Alto, California, forever leaving behind Harvard's hallowed halls. So far, the decision has worked out pretty well for the twenty-something. According to Forbes, Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in the world, with a 2010 net worth of $4 billion.


暑期学习计划有安排了吗?怕热怕晒的话就来沪江网校吧,足不出户,自在学习!沪江网校的暑期“强档”重磅推出了!爱学习的童鞋们赶紧来看看吧 >>

NO.7 Tom Hanks 汤姆·汉克斯

【小编点评】……原来汉克斯大叔以前长这样 ⊙﹏⊙ 

TIME has called Tom Hanks America's chronicler in chief; Sacramento State can call him their most famous dropout. The storied actor left college to intern full time at the Great Lakes Theater Festival in Cleveland, Ohio. There, he learned various aspects of theater from lighting to set design, laying the foundation for his Hollywood career as movie star, producer, director and writer. Not one to forget his own past, in 2009 Hanks helped fund-raise money to help renovate the Cleveland theater where he got his start.


暑期学习计划有安排了吗?怕热怕晒的话就来沪江网校吧,足不出户,自在学习!沪江网校的暑期“强档”重磅推出了!爱学习的童鞋们赶紧来看看吧 >>

NO.8 Harrison Ford 哈里森·福特

【小编点评】 当年,“印第安纳·琼斯”交不出毕业论文……

Apparently a college degree isn't a prerequisite for flying the Millennium Falcon. Harrison Ford, of Star Wars and Indiana Jones fame, majored in philosophy at Ripon College, but dropped out shortly before graduation. He subsequently landed several small parts in Hollywood productions, but unhappy with such minor roles, turned to a career in professional carpentry instead. Almost ten years later, he would co-star in George Lucas' 1973 graduation night comedy American Graffiti and subsequently joined Lucas in a galaxy far, far away in the 1977 blockbuster Star Wars.

哈里森·福特中学毕业后,离开芝加哥,到威斯康辛州的Ripon大学就读,学习不进取,成绩不理想,大三时(1963年)就与第一任妻子玛丽(Mary Marquardt)结了婚。毕业前因交不出毕业论文,只得肄业。这时他开始有了一个念头,“何不试试当个演员?”于是1964年,他带着妻子来到了洛杉矶,开始了他的好莱坞明星梦。
从影后,他出演过的影片中有7部在电影票房史上创下最高记录。日后被卢卡斯选为《星球大战》男主角,自此塑造了银幕超级英雄形象。1981年,福特接演了由斯蒂文·斯皮尔伯格导演、卢卡斯担任制片的《夺宝奇兵》(Raiders of the Lost Ark)。这部冒险片获得了非比寻常的成功,不但成为电影史上最卖座的电影之一,也得到各方好评,英雄印第安纳·琼斯这个名字和哈里森·福特再也分不开了。他也因此名垂影史。

暑期学习计划有安排了吗?怕热怕晒的话就来沪江网校吧,足不出户,自在学习!沪江网校的暑期“强档”重磅推出了!爱学习的童鞋们赶紧来看看吧 >>

NO.9 Lady Gaga


Before she was a Gaga, she was a Germanotta. Born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, the artist better known as Lady Gaga attended New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, but dropped out after just a year to pursue her music career full time. She broke onto the New York club scene with her burlesque performances and was signed to Interscope Records by the age of 20. Her 2008 debut album, The Fame, has had the world going gaga for Gaga ever since.

Lady GaGa1986年出生于纽约的Yonkers,双亲为意大利人。小时候就读于名为the Sacred Heart的天主教学校,时尚名媛Paris Hilton(帕丽斯·希尔顿)和Caroline Kennedy都是她的校友。2006年,Gaga在自纽约大学辍学之后,签约Interscope Records成为作曲人。曾为布兰妮、菲姬、小野猫、阿肯等知名歌手作曲。当Akon发现Gaga同时具有幕前演唱的实力后,他签约Gaga到自己旗下,自此她开始筹备首张个人专辑。2008年,Gaga发布了自己的首张个人专辑《The Fame》,她自己解释此专辑为“有关让所有人都能感觉到如何著名。”

暑期学习计划有安排了吗?怕热怕晒的话就来沪江网校吧,足不出户,自在学习!沪江网校的暑期“强档”重磅推出了!爱学习的童鞋们赶紧来看看吧 >>

NO.10 Tiger Woods 老虎·伍兹


In a world where prodigious sports talents tend to forgo higher education altogether for the pros, Tiger Woods chose to continue playing amateur golf at Stanford University as an economics major. Perhaps it was in Econ 101 that he learned the term "opportunity cost," because his time at Stanford was not long. After two years there, Woods turned pro with his "Hello world" announcement, officially ending his collegiate career. He would go on to become one of the highest paid athletes in the world, earning more than $100 million annually at the height of his career. How's that for economics?


暑期学习计划有安排了吗?怕热怕晒的话就来沪江网校吧,足不出户,自在学习!沪江网校的暑期“强档”重磅推出了!爱学习的童鞋们赶紧来看看吧 >>
