
第82届奥斯卡最佳女配角提名 性感尤物恶毒妈

2010-03-02 16:26
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1.《九》女配角Penélope Cruz

《九》女配角Penélope Cruz 佩内洛普·克鲁兹扮演电影大导家性感妖娆的小三儿;这是她个人第三次获得奥斯卡提名,去年才封后的。
Penélope Cruz portrays Carla, the passionate mistress of a married film director.
This is the third Academy Award nomination for Penélope Cruz. She was previously nominated for:
VICKY CRISTINA BARCELONA (2008) -- Winner, Actress in a Supporting Role
VOLVER (2006) -- Nominee, Actress in a Leading Role

看视频:百老汇改编音乐剧《九》 大跌眼镜超豪华阵容

2.《在云端》女配角Vera Farmiga

《在云端》女配角Vera Farmiga

As Alex Goran, Vera Farmiga plays a business traveler who begins a no-strings-attached affair with a man she meets in a hotel bar.
This is the first Academy Award nomination for Vera Farmiga.


3.《疯狂的心》女配角Maggie Gyllenhaal

《疯狂的心》女配角Maggie Gyllenhaal 麦姬·吉伦哈尔扮演的一位女记者帮助她仰慕的乡村歌手重返舞台。这是她第一次获得奥斯卡提名
Maggie Gyllenhaal plays Jean Craddock, a journalist whose love and admiration for a broken-down country-western singer may change his life.
This is the first Academy Award nomination for Maggie Gyllenhaal.


4.《在云端》女配角Anna Kendrick

《在云端》女配角Anna Kendrick 在《暮光之城》里有角色的安娜·肯德里克扮演一位雄心勃勃的大学应届毕业生,跟着男主角到处出差。这是她第一次获得奥斯卡提名。
As Natalie Keener, Anna Kendrick plays an ambitious but inexperienced young woman who is sent on an eye-opening series of trips with a veteran colleague.
This is the first Academy Award nomination for Anna Kendrick.



《珍爱人生》女配角Mo'Nique 莫妮卡演的是一位自私自利、残酷无情的母亲。这是她第一次获得奥斯卡提名。
Mo'Nique portrays Mary, an abusive mother whose cruel behavior has had a devastating effect on her pregnant teenage daughter.
This is the first Academy Award nomination for Mo'Nique.

