

2010-01-11 08:00
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《哈利·波特》中扮演哈利好友赫敏的艾玛·沃特森不幸惨遭Photoshop作图软件毒手,莫名其妙就瘸了腿。在与其亲生弟弟阿莱克斯一同拍摄的巴宝莉服饰广告中,艾玛以性感小女巫的扮相示人,却美中不足地留了一截古怪的右腿,大腿朝下部分神秘失踪,要不然就是诡异地藏她弟身后去了?这只是一连串 因照片后期制作不当而引发的灵异写真之一,其它的还包括胯部比脑袋还细的模特,还有更为著名的黛米·摩尔杂志封面照,被P得几乎腰腿分离。

Emma Watson has apparently become the latest victim of Photoshop, and has lost a leg in the process. A Burberry ad of Watson posing with her brother, Alex, shows the sexy witch with a weirdly bent partial right leg that seems to end at mid-thigh (unless it's somehow twisted up her brother's back). The shot is the latest in a string of altered photo snafus that include pix of models with hips narrower than their heads, and a shot of Demi Moore's barely-there bent thigh that seems to breech the space-time continuum.
