
《贫民富翁》印度风插曲O saya 奥斯卡获提名

2009-01-24 17:14
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贫民窟的百万富翁的原声音乐赢得了金球奖,而在奥斯卡的提名中,它又有两首插曲入围原创电影歌曲的角逐,实力不可小觑。这首O Saya是开场贫民窟的孩子们肆意奔跑躲避追捕时的背景音乐,有着浓重的民族特色。

沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中

O Saya
by A R Rahman & M.I.A.


They can't touch me
We break off
Run so fast they can't even touch me
Been that --
Touch me i'll show you -- my zig zag quickly
Pick up that pack on my journey
Don't suddenly start to follow me
I am in a luck, some days they suck
When we live by the buck
We get for the family

One day I wanna be a star
So I get to hang in a bar
I'll go to vegas in a --
Just to forget my scars

Ek do teen char panch ... Terah (1,2,3,4,5 till 13) (hindi)

Street shops have made me thrifty
Like a ninja with speed i am nifty
I hope I live till I am fifty
See my city go a quick to a --

相关热点: 电影世界 印度 语法总结