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悲惨世界 Les Misérables (2012)

悲惨世界 Les Misérables (2012)

导演: 汤姆·霍珀
编剧: 威廉姆·尼克尔森 / 赫伯特·克莱茨莫 / 克劳德-米歇尔·勋伯格 / 阿兰·布伯里勒 / 维克多·雨果
主演: 休·杰克曼 / 罗素·克劳 / 安妮·海瑟薇 / 阿曼达·塞弗里德 / 埃迪·雷德梅恩 / 海伦娜·邦汉·卡特 / 萨莎·拜伦·科恩 / 萨曼莎·巴克斯 / 艾伦·特维特 / 康姆·威尔金森 / 伊莎贝尔·艾伦 / 丹尼尔·赫特斯通
类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 音乐
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2013-02-28(中国大陆) / 2012-12-24(美国)

贫苦的冉·阿让(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰)为了挨饿的孩子去偷面包,结果被判处19年的苦役。出狱后,走投无路的他偷走了收留他过夜的主教的银器潜逃,被警察捉回。主教声称银器是送给他的,使他免于被捕。主教的言行感化了他,他化名马德兰,从此洗心革面奋发向上开始新生活。但缉拿过他的警长沙威(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)却一心要找他麻烦。在得知了芳汀(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)的悲惨遭遇后,他承诺照顾她的私生女柯赛特(阿曼达·塞弗里德 Amanda Seyfried 饰)。八年后,柯赛特爱上了共和派青年马利尤斯(埃迪·雷德梅恩 Eddie Redmayne 饰),轰轰烈烈的巴黎人民起义爆发了,无赖德纳迪埃(萨莎·拜伦·科恩 Sacha Baron Cohen 饰)和他又狭路相逢,而多年来从未放弃追捕他的沙威又出现在他的面前……

悲惨世界 Les Misérables (2012)


Javert: I am reaching, but I fall And the stars are black and cold As I stare into the void Of a world that cannot hold I'll escape now from the world From the world of Jean Valjean. There is nowhere I can turn There is no way to go on...

Thénardier: The power of a glance has been so much abused in love stories, that it has come to be disbelieved in. Few people dare now to say that two beings have fallen in love because they have looked at each other. Yet it is in this way that love begins, and in this way only.

Marius: [about Cosette] Eponine, find her for me!
Eponine: What will you give me?
Marius: Anything!
Eponine: Got you all excited now, but God knows what you see in her! Aren't you all delighted now?
Marius: [Marius offers her money]
Eponine: No, I don't want your money, sir.

蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起 The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起 The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

导演: 克里斯托弗·诺兰
编剧: 大卫·S·高耶 / 乔纳森·诺兰 / 克里斯托弗·诺兰 / 鲍勃·凯恩
主演: 克里斯蒂安·贝尔 / 汤姆·哈迪 / 安妮·海瑟薇 / 约瑟夫·高登-莱维特 / 玛丽昂·歌迪亚 / 加里·奥德曼 / 迈克尔·凯恩 / 摩根·弗里曼 / 朱诺·坦普尔 / 乔什·平茨 / 丹尼尔·逊亚塔 / 内斯特·卡博内尔 / 伯恩·戈曼 / 利亚姆·尼森 / 乔伊·金 / 艾丹·吉伦 / 基利安·墨菲 / 乔什·斯图沃特 / 马修·莫迪恩 / 本·门德尔森
类型: 剧情 / 动作 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 犯罪
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2012-08-27(中国大陆) / 2012-07-20(美国)

检察官哈维·登特(艾伦·艾克哈特 Aaron Eckhart 饰)死后的八年间,哥谭市在戈登警长(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)的努力下有效地遏制了犯罪活动。而蝙蝠侠布鲁斯·韦恩(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)因为背负谋杀登特的罪名,被 警方通缉,在哥谭市销声匿迹。然而,这看似平静的状态被恐怖分子贝恩(汤姆·哈迪 Tom Hardy 饰)的出现打破,他利用猫女(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)偷取布鲁斯的指纹,致使韦恩集团面临破财,布鲁斯被赶出董事会。为了保证韦恩集团投资的能源项目不被坏人利用制造核弹,布鲁斯帮助米兰达(玛丽昂·歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰)成为董事会主席。贝恩接下来一连串精密设计的计划将哥谭市陷入孤绝之境,毁灭之日指日可待。布鲁斯只能再次肩负起拯救哥谭的重任,然而至亲的管家阿福辞职离开、猫女的背叛、贝恩的凶残手段,爱人米拉达的真实面目露出,都让他拯救哥谭的行动变得不可能……

蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起 The Dark Knight Rises (2012)


Catwoman: I blow that tunnel open, I'm gone!
Batman: There's more to you than that.
Catwoman: Sorry I keep letting you down.
Catwoman: Come with me. Save yourself. You don't owe these people any more! You've given them everything!
Batman: Not everything. Not yet.

Bane: We take Gotham from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you... the people. Gotham is yours. None shall interfere. Do as you please. Start by storming Blackgate, and freeing the oppressed! Step forward those who would serve. For and army will be raised. The powerful will be ripped from their decadent nests, and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure. Courts will be convened. Spoils will be enjoyed. Blood will be shed. The police will survive, as they learn to serve true justice. This great city... it will endure. Gotham will survive!

一天 One Day (2011)

一天 One Day (2011)

导演: 罗勒·莎菲
编剧: 大卫·尼克尔森
主演: 安妮·海瑟薇 / 吉姆·斯特吉斯 / 萝玛拉·嘉瑞 / 派翠西娅·克拉克森 / 拉菲·斯波 / 肯·斯托特 / Jodie Whittaker
类型: 剧情 / 爱情
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2011-08-19(美国)

1988年7月15日,一所大学为毕业生的狂热所充盈。籍着这股躁动,轻浮的德克斯特(吉姆·斯特吉斯 Jim Sturgess 饰)穿过层层人墙,寻找可以与之共度这最后狂欢与浪漫之夜的尤物。他将目光锁定在艾玛(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)的身上,一个来自普 通工薪家庭的聪慧女孩。然而短短的交流过后,他们之间什么也没发生,却又注定改变了彼此的一生。在之后的岁月里,两人以友人知己的身份时聚时散,彼此分享着人生的苦辣酸甜和各种感悟。德克斯特经历着事业和婚姻的起落,艾玛品味着底层人生的辛酸。他们是远在天边心也紧紧相连的知己,是深锁心中最为笃真却相隔最远的爱恋……

一天 One Day (2011)


Emma Morley: A tortilla is either corn or wheat. But a corn tortilla folded and filled is a taco, whereas a filled wheat tortilla is a burrito. Deep fry a burrito, it's a chimichanga.Toast a tortilla, it's a tostada. Roll it, it's an enchilada.

Emma Morley: Whatever happens tomorrow, We've had today. And if we should bump into each other sometime in the future, well that's fine too, we'll be friends.

Emma Morley: Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today. I'll always remember it.

Emma Morley: I love you Dex, I really do. I just don't like you anymore.

爱情与灵药 Love & Other Drugs (2010)

爱情与灵药 Love & Other Drugs (2010)

导演: 爱德华·兹威克
编剧: Charles Randolph / 爱德华·兹威克 / Jamie Reidy / 马歇尔·赫斯科维兹
主演: 安妮·海瑟薇 / 杰克·吉伦哈尔 / 朱迪·格雷尔 / 汉克·阿扎利亚 / 乔什·盖德 / 奥利弗·普莱特 / 盖布瑞·马赫特 / 乔治·席格 / 吉尔·克雷伯格 / 凯特·詹宁斯·格兰特 / 凯瑟琳·温妮克
类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2010-11-24(美国)

杰米(杰克•吉伦哈尔 Jake Gyllenhaal 饰)出身医药世家,舌灿莲花,热情似火,是电器行的金牌销售,不过由于桃花运太壮,以至于因为跟女同事在工作时间亲热,被老板开除。此后,他在辉瑞公司连番洗脑后,成为了一名医药销售代表。为了能打开区域市场,他摸清了某医院的底细,决定从主治医师斯坦下手。他用1千美元的支票,换取了一个实习生的身份,穿梭于诊室。某日,他偶然间邂逅了因帕金森症就诊的女患者玛姬(安妮•海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰),并阴差阳错瞥见了她的乳房。正当花花公子以为占了便宜时,却被玛姬抡包打伤,甚至还拍了照片。为了讨回声誉,他利用关系要到了对方号码,并约她面谈。没想到这次约会,却让两人陷入了匪夷所思的亲密关系之中,令他难以自拔。正当杰米因伟哥成为销售红人时,玛姬的病患却每况愈下……

爱情与灵药 Love & Other Drugs (2010)


Jamie: I'm full of shit, okay? No- I'm Knowingly full of shit because I have never cared about anybody or anything in my entire life and the thing is that everybody just kind of accepted that, like 'that's just Jamie'. And then you...Jesus! You. You...you didn't see me that way. I have never known anyone who'd actually believe that I was enough, until I met you... and then you made me believe it too, so unfortunately...I need you.

Jamie: And you need me.
Maggie Murdock: No I don't.
Jamie: Yes you do.
Maggie Murdock: No I don't.
Jamie: *Yes*, you do.
Maggie Murdock: You need someone to take care of you.
Jamie: No, I don't!
Jamie: Everybody does.

成为简·奥斯汀 Becoming Jane (2007)

成为简·奥斯汀 Becoming Jane (2007)

导演: 朱里安·杰拉德
编剧: Sarah Williams / Kevin Hood / 简·奥斯汀
主演: 安妮·海瑟薇 / 詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 / 朱丽·沃特斯 / 詹姆斯·克伦威尔 / 玛吉·史密斯 / 劳伦斯·福克斯
类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 传记
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2007-03-09(英国)

简•奥斯汀(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)的一生是否如她的文字那样充满曲折的过程和完满的结局?《成为简》用传记方式描述她的一生:她的母亲竭力为她撮合婚事,对象是上层社会的有钱人。但是简不接受没有爱情的婚姻,认为女人要靠自己的能力去养活自身。于是,她拒绝贵族瓦斯莱先生的求婚,爱上了心灵相通的汤姆•勒弗罗伊(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 James McAvoy 饰)。好事多磨,有人从中作梗,导致汤姆家人并不赞成二人婚事,汤姆决定携简私奔。但是这样一来,汤姆的经济来源就会被切断,简亦将面临着世俗的压力和贫困的生活。到底二人在私奔路上会走得多远?会不会有美满的结局?

成为简·奥斯汀 Becoming Jane (2007)


Mrs. Austen: Affection is desirable. Money is absolutely indispensable!

Jane: If our love destroys your family , it will destroy itself.

Jane: Could I really have this?   
Lefroy: What, precisely?   
Jane: You.  
Lefroy: Me, how?  
Jane: This life with you.   

Mr. Wisley: Sometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom.

穿普拉达的女王 The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

穿普拉达的女王 The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

导演: 大卫·弗兰科尔
编剧: 艾莲·布洛什·麦肯纳
主演: 安妮·海瑟薇 / 梅丽尔·斯特里普 / 艾米莉·布朗特 / 斯坦利·图齐 / 西蒙·贝克 / 艾德里安·格尼尔 / 吉赛尔·邦辰
类型: 剧情 / 爱情
语言: 英语 / 法语
上映日期: 2006-06-30(美国)


穿普拉达的女王 The Devil Wears Prada (2006)


Miranda: Tales of your incompetence do not interest me. Tell Simone that I'm not going to approve that girl that she sent me for the Brazilian layout. I asked for clean, athletic, smiling; she sent me dirty, tired and paunchy. And RSVP yes to Micheal Kors' party. I want the driver to drop me off at 9.30 and pick me up at 9.45 sharp. And then call Natalie at Glorious Foods and tell her no, for the fortieth time, no, I don't want dacquoise. I want tortes filled with warm rhubarb compote. And then call my ex-husband and remind him that the parent–teacher conference is at Dalton tonight. And then call my husband. Ask him to please meet me for dinner at that place I went to with Massimo. Also, tell Richard I saw all the pictures that he sent for that feature on the female paratroopers, and they're all so deeply unattractive. Is it impossible to find a lovely, slender, female paratrooper? Am I reaching for the stars here? Not really. Also, I need to see all the things Nigel has pulled for Gwyneth's second cover try. I wonder if she's lost any of that weight yet. Who is that?

断背山 Brokeback Mountain (2005)

断背山 Brokeback Mountain (2005)

导演: 李安
编剧: 拉里·麦克穆特瑞 / Diana Ossana / Annie Proulx
主演: 希斯·莱杰 / 杰克·吉伦哈尔 / 米歇尔·威廉姆斯 / 安妮·海瑟薇 / 凯特·玛拉 / 兰迪·奎德 / 琳达·卡德里尼 / 安娜·法瑞丝 / 格拉汉姆·贝克尔 / 斯科特·迈克尔·坎贝尔 / 大卫·哈伯 / Roberta Maxwell / 皮特·麦克罗比
类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 同性 / 家庭
言: 英语
上映日期: 2005-12-16(美国)


断背山 Brokeback Mountain (2005)


Ennis Del Mar: You got your wife and baby in Texas and, you know, I got my life in Riverton.
Jack Twist: That so? You and Alma, that's a life.
Ennis Del Mar: Now you shut up about Alma. This ain't her fault. The bottom line is...we're around each other and...this thing grabs hold of us again...in the wrong place...in the wrong time...we're dead.

Alma Beers Del Mar: You know, I used to wonder how come you never brought any trouts home. You always said you caught plenty, and you know how me and the girls like fish. So one night I got your creel case(ph) open the night before you went on one of your little trips — price tag's still on it after five years — and I tied a note to the end of the line. It said, 'Hello, Ennis, bring some fish home. Love. Alma.' And then you come back looking all perky and said you caught a bunch of browners and you ate them up. Do you remember? I looked in that case first chance I got, and there was my note still tied there. That rod hadn't touched water in its life.

公主日记 The Princess Diaries (2001)

公主日记 The Princess Diaries (2001)

导演: 盖瑞·马歇尔
编剧: Gina Wendkos / Meg Cabot
主演: 朱丽·安德鲁斯 / 安妮·海瑟薇 / 赫克托·埃里仲杜 / 希瑟·玛塔拉佐 / 曼迪·摩尔
类型: 喜剧 / 爱情 / 家庭
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2001-08-03(美国)

15岁的高中生米亚(安妮•海瑟薇 饰)与母亲生活在美国,但她十分不自信,也常常遭到同学的嘲笑。就在她16岁生日那天,她与祖母(茱莉•安德鲁 饰)见面后发现这个优雅的女士是欧洲小国吉诺维亚的女王,米亚正是这个国度的公主。刚开始米亚十分不愿,在母亲的调解下米亚的态度才有所缓和。为了可以顺利继承王位,女王不得不对孙女进行一系列的改变,令平时生活便不拘小节的米亚十分困扰,甚至跟好朋友之间也发生了冲突。米亚的身份被好事的同学揭露了,她一下子受到了媒体的高度关注。突如其来的一切让米亚想逃避一切,幸好在父亲的日记里,她重拾了自信。米亚成为了公主,也找到了自己想要的爱情。

公主日记 The Princess Diaries (2001)


Lilly Moscovitz: Think about it: I just found out that my cable only reaches twelve people.

Lana Thomas: Principal Gupta, did you see what she did to me?!
Vice Principal Gupta: Oh no, sweetie, I was in a very important meeting. Send it out for dry cleaning.

Joseph: You can call me Joe.
Mia Thermopolis: Joey?
Joseph: [LAUGHS] No. Joe.

Michael Moscovitz: Why me?
Mia Thermopolis: Because you saw me when I was invisible.

Mia Thermopolis: My expectation in life is to be invisible and I'm good at it. 
