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穿普拉达的女王 The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

穿普拉达的女王 The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

导演: 大卫·弗兰科尔
编剧: 艾莲·布洛什·麦肯纳
主演: 安妮·海瑟薇 / 梅丽尔·斯特里普 / 艾米莉·布朗特 / 斯坦利·图齐 / 西蒙·贝克 / 艾德里安·格尼尔 / 吉赛尔·邦辰
类型: 剧情 / 爱情
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语 / 法语
上映日期: 2006-06-30(美国)


穿普拉达的女王 The Devil Wears Prada (2006)


Miranda: Tales of your incompetence do not interest me. Tell Simone that I'm not going to approve that girl that she sent me for the Brazilian layout. I asked for clean, athletic, smiling; she sent me dirty, tired and paunchy. And RSVP yes to Micheal Kors' party. I want the driver to drop me off at 9.30 and pick me up at 9.45 sharp. And then call Natalie at Glorious Foods and tell her no, for the fortieth time, no, I don't want dacquoise. I want tortes filled with warm rhubarb compote. And then call my ex-husband and remind him that the parent–teacher conference is at Dalton tonight. And then call my husband. Ask him to please meet me for dinner at that place I went to with Massimo. Also, tell Richard I saw all the pictures that he sent for that feature on the female paratroopers, and they're all so deeply unattractive. Is it impossible to find a lovely, slender, female paratrooper? Am I reaching for the stars here? Not really. Also, I need to see all the things Nigel has pulled for Gwyneth's second cover try. I wonder if she's lost any of that weight yet. Who is that?

欲望都市 Sex and the City (2008)

欲望都市 Sex and the City (2008)

导演: 迈克尔·帕特里克·金
编剧: 迈克尔·帕特里克·金 / 坎迪斯·布什奈尔
主演: 莎拉·杰茜卡·帕克 / 金·凯特罗尔 / 克里斯汀·戴维斯 / 辛西娅·尼克松 / 詹妮弗·哈德森 / 克里斯·诺斯 / 坎迪斯·伯根
类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2008-05-30(美国)

凯莉(萨拉•杰西卡•帕克 饰)成为了一个成功的作家,身边依然有3名好友萨曼莎(金•卡特拉尔 饰)、夏洛特(克里斯汀•戴维斯 饰)、米兰达(辛西娅•尼克松 饰)陪伴身边,她们依然时尚美丽。这次凯莉还即将要嫁给一生中最爱的男人Mr.Big(克里斯•诺斯 饰),他们拥有自己的房子。她怀着激动的心情与好友们分享心情。可是婚礼的筹备让大先生感受到了压力。这时米兰达的婚姻出现了问题,因为米兰达的一句话,使大先生对自己这第三次婚姻更感不安了。果然,大先生拒绝在婚礼当天出现,即使他想回头的时候,已经伤透了凯莉的心。好友们极力安慰凯莉,米兰达也深感内疚。凯莉搬回了自己的公寓,在助手的帮助下开始了新生活。凯莉每天都想念着大先生,当米兰达告诉她自己的内疚之处时,她生气不已。几个月过去了,夏洛特再次遇到了大先生,他把即将临盘的夏洛特送进医院,同时也期待凯莉的出现……

欲望都市 Sex and the City (2008)


Carrie Bradshaw:
"Year after year, twenty-something women come to New York in search of the two "L"s: Labels & Love.
"Twenty years ago, I was one of them. Having got the knack for labels early...I concentrated on my search for Love."
"After years of living in the city I assumed that if my friends and I ever got our fairytale endings, that would be the end of the story. But real life always has a twist."
"Year after year, my single girlfriends were my salvation."
"Some labels are best left in the closet."
"I let the wedding get bigger than Big!"
"Let's go down to the hotel for dinner tonight, I need to get myself out of my Mexi-coma."
"Sweetie, you shit your pants this year. Maybe you're done."
"You brought me back to life."
"It wasn't logic, it was love."
"Ever mine. Ever Thine. Ever Ours."

时尚先锋香奈儿 Coco avant Chanel (2009)

时尚先锋香奈儿 Coco avant Chanel (2009)

导演: 安妮·芳婷
编剧: 安妮·芳婷 / Camille Fontaine
主演: 奥黛丽·塔图 / 贝诺特·波尔沃尔德 / 亚历桑德罗·尼沃拉 / 玛丽·吉莲
类型: 剧情 / 传记
语言: 法语
上映日期: 2009-04-22(法国)

1893年,因母亲去世,加布里埃尔•香奈儿的葡萄酒商父亲将她与妹妹安托妮特抛给了奥巴兹孤儿院。成年后的香奈儿(奥黛丽•塔图 Audrey Tautou 饰)与安托妮特(玛丽•吉莲 Marie Gillain 饰)一边以缝纫为生,一边在酒吧唱歌赚钱。香奈儿因一曲《小狗可可》结识了法国百万富翁艾亭奈•巴桑(贝诺特•波维德 Benoît Poelvoorde 饰),并成为了他众多情妇中的一员。在巴桑的城堡,香奈儿开始制作女帽,并与演员艾米丽安(艾曼纽•德芙 Emmanuelle Devos)成为朋友。香奈儿对取悦巴桑的生活日益不满,同时发现爱上了巴桑的好友,英国工业家阿瑟•伯邑•卡伯(亚历桑德罗•尼沃拉 Alessandro Nivola 饰)。有了伯邑的支持,香奈儿是否便能开始她一直想要的个人事业呢?

时尚先锋香奈儿 Coco avant Chanel (2009)

Coco Chanel Quotes:

A women who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.

In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.

Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity.

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.

Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty.

I don’t understand how a woman can leave the house without fixing herself up a little – if only out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe that’s the day she has a date with destiny. And it’s best to be as pretty as possible for destiny.

蒂凡尼的早餐 Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)

蒂凡尼的早餐 Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)

导演: 布莱克·爱德华兹
编剧: 乔治·阿克塞尔罗德
主演: 奥黛丽·赫本 / 乔治·佩帕德 / 帕德里夏·妮尔 / 巴迪·艾布森 / 马丁·鲍尔萨姆
类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情
语言: 英语 / 葡萄牙语
上映日期: 1961-10-05

清晨的纽约街头,相貌清丽的女子霍莉(奥黛丽·赫本 Audrey Hepburn饰)在橱窗前徜徉,她就是纽约上流社会的交际花。对金钱和物质的崇拜,同时却不失天真善良的霍莉,就像是纽约的“茶花女”,靠着每小时五十、一百的费用来获得交际收入。在她心里,还有一个重要的目标,那就是嫁得金龟婿。霍莉的新邻居是一个作家保罗(乔治·佩帕德 George Peppard饰),梦想着成名,却也是依靠富太太的供给度日。遇见霍莉的保罗堕入情网,千方百计让霍莉过回正常生活,并向她求婚。然而,霍莉似乎并不愿意,在她心中,嫁给这么一个人,放弃她之前的努力,未免太不值。然而,霍莉在寻找幸福路上跌跌撞撞,直到有一天才突然明白了幸福的含义。

蒂凡尼的早餐 Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)


Paul Varjak: You know what's wrong with you, Miss Whoever-you-are? You're chicken, you've got no guts. You're afraid to stick out your chin and say, 'Okay, life's a fact, people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that's the only chance anybody's got for real happiness.' You call yourself a free spirit, a 'wild thing,' and you're terrified somebody's gonna stick you in a cage. Well baby, you're already in that cage. You built it yourself. And it's not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas, or in the east by Somali-land. It's wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself.
Holly Golightly: Here. I've been carrying this thing around for months. I don't want it anymore.

一个购物狂的自白 Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009)

一个购物狂的自白 Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009)

导演: P·J·霍根
编剧: Tracey Jackson / Tim Firth / Kayla Alpert / 索菲·金塞拉
主演: 艾拉·菲舍尔 / 休·丹西 / 克里斯滕·里特 / 琼·库萨克 / 约翰·古德曼 / 约翰·利特高 / 克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯
类型: 喜剧 / 爱情
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2009-02-13(美国)

居住在美国纽约丽贝卡·布鲁姆伍德(艾拉·菲舍尔 Isla Fisher 饰)是一家庭园杂志的记者,在这个繁花渐欲迷人眼的国际大都市,这个美丽女孩漫无边际的购物欲望得到极大宣泄,不实用的服饰源源不断运回家。然而硬币的另一面,却是由此导致的债台高筑。糟糕的财务状况让她的生活一团糟,虽然试图戒掉购物瘾,不过最终都在心仪的商品之前败下阵来。另一方面,丽贝卡希望进入梦寐以求的阿列特杂志供职,阴差阳错进入了该杂志旗下的一个财经杂志编辑部。对理财一窍不通的她偶尔写了一篇角度新颖的投资文章,受到了读者和业内的好评,甚至爱情也随即降临。不过谎言总有拆穿的一天,更何况还有那沉重如山的债务摆在眼前……

一个购物狂的自白 Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009)


Rebecca Bloomwood: They said I was a valued customer. Now they send me hate mail.

Rebecca Bloomwood: You know that thing when you see someone cute and he smiles and your heart kind of goes like warm butter sliding down hot toast? Well that's what it's like when I see a store. Only it's better.

Luke Brandon: You sold all your clothes and you kept that.

拜金女郎 Material Girls (2006)

拜金女郎 Material Girls (2006)

导演: 马莎·库利奇
编剧: John Quaintance / Jessica O'Toole / Amy Rardin
主演: 希拉里·达芙 / 海莉·达芙 / 安杰丽卡·休斯顿 / 玛利亚·康柯塔·阿隆索
类型: 喜剧 / 爱情 / 家庭
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2006-08-18(美国)

爱娃•马歇塔(海莉•达芙 饰)与汤泽•马歇塔(希拉里•达芙 饰)两姐妹过着随心所欲的生活,她们身上都是奢华的打扮,身为化妆品集团继承人的她们是城中的高贵名媛。她们已去世的父亲建立了价值千万的化妆品公司,而她们只需不时在董事会上露露面,凡事都交给助理处理。但没想到在父亲的纪念会上,公司产品能导致使用者毁容,丑闻爆出后姐妹两正式开始了潦倒的生活,她们一夜间失去了所有金钱、名誉、权力。从未面临过真实世界的姐妹俩,必须习惯穷人的生活,也要拯救父亲的声誉与公司的命运……

拜金女郎 Material Girls (2006)


Ava Marchetta: (talking to a lawyer for broke people) Yeah we sort of burnt the house down.
Tanzie Marchetta: And our car got stolen.
Ava Marchetta: Besides everything we own belongs to the company. And they want to sell us to Fabiella.
Tanzie Marchetta: For only 60 million dollars.
Ava Marchetta: Each!
Tanzie Marchetta: Obviously we need help.

Tanzie Marchetta: Friends don't let friends take public transportation, espically the bus, Ava, I heard about the bus people pee on the seats! They pee!
Ava Marchetta: They don't pee on the bus.

律政俏佳人 Legally Blonde (2001)

律政俏佳人 Legally Blonde (2001)

导演: 罗伯特·路克蒂克
编剧: Amanda Brown / Karen McCullah / 克尔斯滕·史密斯
主演: 瑞茜·威瑟斯彭 / 卢克·威尔逊 / 塞尔玛·布莱尔 / 马修·戴维斯 / 维克多·加博
类型: 喜剧 / 爱情
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2001-07-13(美国)

艾丽(瑞茜•威瑟斯彭 Reese Witherspoon 饰)虽然拥有羡煞旁人的美貌——金发,白肤,高挑,精通打扮,就像一个精美的芭比娃娃。美貌和活泼的性格,让艾丽成为了一个完美的女生。她的男友沃纳(马修•戴维斯Matthew Davis饰)条件也不俗,拥有富贵的出身和出众的外表。两人十分般配,却想不到沃纳根本就没把艾丽当成终身伴侣,在他眼中,艾丽只是一个花瓶,除了漂亮别无所长,于是他考上哈佛法学院之后,甩了艾丽,与旧女友重拾旧爱。艾丽不甘心,千方百计也考上了哈佛,她要用行动来证明自己并非徒有外表。哈佛的学习生活非常枯燥,而且这个金发美人还处处受到歧视。令大家大跌眼镜的是,艾丽竟然机智的干了一番事业。

律政俏佳人 Legally Blonde (2001)


Elle: Chutney, why is it Tracy Marcinco's curls were ruined when she got hosed down?
Chutney Windham: Because they got wet.
Elle: Exactly. Because isn't the first cardinal rule of perm maintenance that you're forbidden to wet your hair for at least 24 hours after getting a perm at the risk of deactivating the ammonium thioglycolate?
Chutney Windham: Yes.
Elle: And wouldn't somebody who had, say, 30 perms before in their life be well aware of this rule, and if in fact you weren't washing your hair as I suspect you weren't because your curls are still intact, wouldn't you have heard the gunshot, and if in fact you had heard the gunshot Brooke Windham wouldn't have had time to hide the gun before you got downstairs. Which means you would have had to found Brooke Windham with a gun in her hand to make your story plausible, isn't that right?
Chutney Windham: She's my age! Did she tell you that? How would you feel if your father married someone who was your age?
Elle: You, however, Chutney had time to hide the gun after you shot your father.
Chutney Windham: I didn't mean to shoot him! I thought it was YOU walking through the door!

绝代艳后 Marie Antoinette (2006)

绝代艳后 Marie Antoinette (2006)

导演: 索菲亚·科波拉
编剧: 索菲亚·科波拉
主演: 克斯汀·邓斯特 / 詹森·舒瓦兹曼 / 朱迪·戴维斯 / 雷普·汤恩 / 罗丝·拜恩 / 艾莎·阿基多
类型: 剧情 / 传记 / 历史
制片国家/地区: 美国 / 法国 / 日本
语言: 法语 / 英语
上映日期: 2006-05-24(法国)

这部电影讲述了一位法兰西王后的一生,讲述了那个年代,法国大革命前贵族们奢华迷乱的生活。奥地利公主玛丽(克尔斯滕•邓斯特 Kirsten Dunst饰)非常聪明,生性活泼,14岁的时候,在一场政治婚姻中,从奥地利公主变成法国的太子妃。由于某些原因,王子对玛丽非常的纵容,婚后,玛丽一直过着极其奢华的生活,同样,玛丽也一直无法与内心的寂寞彻底脱离。这部电影将给我们带来关于18世纪法国宫廷和社会的各种震撼,匪夷所思的奢侈,欲望交织的爱情,以及最后法国人民的怒吼。

绝代艳后 Marie Antoinette (2006)


Marie Antoinette: This is ridiculous!
Comtesse de Noailles: This is Versailles!

Marie Antoinette: Then let them eat cake.

Marie Antoinette: Letting everyone down would be my greatest unhappiness.

Marie Antoinette: You represent the future. All eyes will be on you. 
