
2013奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲提名:Before My Time《逐冰之旅》

沪江英乐 2013-02-23 10:00
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沪江英乐:斯嘉丽·约翰逊为纪录片《Chasing Ice》录制原声《Before My Time》,《Chasing Ice》于2012圣丹斯国际电影节世界首映。本片音乐由J.Ralph在The Rumor Mill制作。而J.Ralph之前就跟斯嘉丽合作过一首歌曲《One Whole Hour》,是为自闭症电影录的原声,相信这首《Before My Time》也会保持之前的高水准。

【《逐冰之旅》原声Before My Time】


Cold feet, don't fail me now
So much left to do
If I should run ten thousand miles home
Would you be there?

Just a taste of things to come
I still smile

But I don't want to die alone
I don't want to die alone
Way before my time

Keep calm and carry on
No worse for the wear

I don't want to die alone
I don't want to die alone
Way before my time

Is it any wonder
All this empty air
I'm drowning in the laughter
Way before my time has come
