

沪江英语 2013-02-19 13:57
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Anne Hathaway shared her embarrassingly vulgar first meeting with Daniel Craig on "Chelsea Lately."
安妮·海瑟薇日前在做客脱口秀节目《切尔茜晚间秀》时,分享了自己与007丹尼尔·克雷格初次见面尴尬的“粗话” 事件。

It was at an industry party, and she spotted him from across the room. Suddenly, they locked eyes and he said, "Hey, you. F*ck you!"
那是在一次金球奖的晚宴上,安妮看到克雷格在房间的另一头,突然他们的目光锁定然后克雷格说了句:“嘿,说你呢,F*ck you!”

"I was like, ‘Oh my God! I have just instantly become so famous that Daniel Craig is messing with me and we don’t even know each other," Hathaway said. That has to be it. After all, what other explanation could there be?
安妮·海瑟薇回忆起当时的情景说:“我当时就想说:‘天啦,我红得也太快了点吧,丹尼尔·克雷格都来跟我开玩笑了!我们都还不算认识呢。’ ” 这样的反应也很正常,要不该怎么解释呢?

She shot the message right back to him, and started exchanging obscene gestures with him, but then Craig realized what she was doing. "Oh, not you," he told her.
安妮·海瑟薇立马回应了克雷格的信息,两人开始你来我往用各种“下流” 姿势交流,但克雷格这才意识到海瑟薇在做什么,就跟她说:“噢,不是你哈!”

He'd been communicating with British director Stephen Daldry. She turned to see Daldry reacting to her ridiculous gestures as well. So she'd just been in the line of fire of Craig talking to someone he did know.

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