

沪江英语 2018-12-28 12:00
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Bryce(卡兰•麦克奥利菲 Callan McAuliffe 饰)全家搬到小镇,邻家女孩Juli(玛德琳•卡罗尔 Madeline Carroll 饰)前来帮忙。她对他一见钟情,心愿是获得他的吻。两人是同班同学,她一直想方设法接近他,但是他避之不及。她把自家鸡蛋送给他,他听家人怀疑她家鸡蛋不卫生,便偷偷把鸡蛋丢掉。当Juli发现这一切并不再理睬Bryce时,Bryce才渐渐意识到他做得太过分了,想请求Juli的原谅,虽然他最后成功了,但是Juli却发现她曾经恋上Bryce不值得她继续喜欢下去。


Bryce: Hey, Juli. Right on schedule.

Juli: Yeah, well, neither rain nor sleet.

Bryce: Huh?

Juli: You know, the mailman thing?

Bryce: Oh. Right. So, um, will you start riding the bus again?

Juli: I don't know. I haven't been up there since.

Bryce: It doesn't look so bad anymore. It's all cleared away. Well, um, I better get ready for school. Guess I'll see you there.

Juli: See you.
(Maybe Bryce was right. Maybe it was time I started riding the bus again. After all, didn't he just tell me he wanted me to? Could it be that Bryce Loski actually misses me?)

Bryce: Juli? What are you still doing here?

Juli: I was just thinking.

Bryce: It's pick-up day. The cans are in front.

Juli: I know. You need some help?

Bryce: No. Maybe I'll do it later.

Juli: Are those my eggs?

Bryce: Yeah. Yeah, I dropped them.

Juli: They're not broken. Why are you throwing them away? Don't you want them?

Bryce: It wasn't me. My dad didn't think it was worth the risk.

Juli: Risk? What risk?

Bryce: Salmonella.

Juli: What are you talking about? He's afraid of being poisoned?

Bryce: Well, Juli, I mean, look at your back yard. It's a complete mess. It's, like, covered in turds.

Juli: That's not true. I clean up after my girls every day.

Bryce: We just didn't wanna hurt your feelings.

Juli: Have you always thrown them away? You know, Mrs. Steuby and Mrs. Helms pay me for my eggs.

Bryce: They do?

Juli: They pay me 6 cents a dozen.

Bryce: I didn't know.

Juli: How could you?

Bryce: I'm sorry.

Juli: No, you're not.


Bryce: (It didn't take me long to realize that I'd traded in my old problems with Juli Baker for a whole set of new ones. It was actually worse having her mad at me than having her annoy me. The way she ignored me was a constant reminder that I'd been a jerk. Then one day I was coming home from playing basketball with Garrett and things got weird.)

Bryce’s grandfather: Don't be so timid. Come on, you won't hurt them.

Juli: Like this?

Bryce’s grandfather: Yeah, that's it.

Bryce: (My grandfather. All I ever saw him wear was slippers. Now, where did he get those work boots? I couldn't stop looking over there. And the more I looked, the madder I got. My grandfather had already said more to Juli in one hour than he'd said to me in the whole time he'd been living with us. I was pretty sure I'd never seen him laugh. And what was his deal with Juli Baker?)

Bryce: Hi, Grandpa.

Bryce’s grandfather: Juli told me about the eggs. You know, Bryce ,one's character is set at an early age. I'd hate to see you swim out so far you can't swim back.

Bryce: Sir?

Bryce’s grandfather: It's about honesty, son. Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road.


Bryce: (When it came to holding a grudge, Juli Baker was truly impressive. All week I tried to approach her at school. She'd always find some way to duck me. And whenever she was in her yard, Grandpa was always there with her. Finally, one Saturday I saw my opening. My grandfather had gone into town to buy some Bengay.I guess the yard work was starting to get to him.)
It's looking real good.

Juli: Thanks. Chet did most of it.

Bryce: I'm sorry for what I did.

Juli: I just don't get it, Bryce. Why didn't you just tell me?

Bryce: I don't know. It was dumb. And I shouldn't have said anything about your yard, either. It wasn't right.

Juli: Maybe it's all for the best. I mean, look, I learned so much from Chet, it's amazing.You're lucky. I don't even have grandparents anymore.


Juli: I feel sorry for him. He misses your grandma. Can you believe it? He says I remind him of her.

Bryce: What?

Juli: I know. That's what I said. But he meant it in a nice way. Something about her spirit.

Bryce: Yeah. Good luck with the grass. I'm sure it'll come up great.

Juli: Thanks.

Bryce: I guess I'll see you around.

Juli: I guess so.

Bryce: (While Juli's acceptance of my apology was not all that I'd hoped for at least the eggs thing was finally behind me. The first time in months I could truly enjoy Bonanza.)
