
鬼楼契约 第一季:666 Park Avenue《新片速递》

沪江视频听写组 2012-07-26 13:00
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How beautiful!
Oh my God! What do you think?
I think we couldn't afford to rent a closet in this place.
Good afternoon.
Resident manager handles the day-to-day running of the Drake apartments.
Are you sure this is our apartment?
Yeah, comes with the job.
What happened to the previous manager?
Yeah, why would anybody ever want to leave this?
Mr. Hartwell moved someplace warmer.
Now sign the contracts and get out of here. You've got a lot of work to do.
The Drake, known for the finest living in the city.
I am taking you dress shopping.
Hold on, my dear.
Home to 80 residents.
Hi, I'm Louise.
Jane, nice to meet you.
Just stop by for a drink sometime.
It's a friendly building.
But don't let the amenities fool you.
Henry, I found something really cool in the basement.
OK, just don't get fired for being nosy. This apartment rocks.
I like her spirit.
She's how we get Henry.
It's not right what you do.
What I do is fulfill needs.
We all want something. It's the essential truth of who we are.
That was time to settle up.
This place seems so dark.
You shouldn't have come here. They are never gonna let you go.
Henry, are we gonna be OK here?


如果让你许一个愿望,你会选择什么?为了实现这个愿望,你又愿意做些什么?在纽约最豪华的派克大街上,有一栋坐落于666号的大楼。在这里,你的一切愿望都能梦想成真--财富、性爱、爱情、权力,甚至复仇。不过,你必须谨慎选择你的愿望,因为实现愿望的代价……可能是你的灵魂。欢迎来到德雷克大楼,一栋位于曼哈顿上东区的豪华公寓楼。神秘的Gavin Doran先生和他美貌性感的妻子Olivia是这里的主人。楼中住着许多住户,但他们谁也不知道这栋大楼被黑暗的超自然力量所包围。每当梦想成真的时刻,他们总认为自己是幸运儿,殊不知他们已经与恶魔签下了生死契约。

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