
林赛•罗翰演玉婆渐入佳境 “埃及艳后”造型现片场

沪江英语 2012-07-07 14:00
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Lindsay Lohan is the Queen of Denial -- er, The Nile! The 26-year-old-star was hard at work on the set of her Lifetime biopic, Liz & Dick, on Monday. Lohan transformed herself into Elizabeth Taylor's iconic role as Cleopatra, from the 1963 epic film about the Queen of Egypt and her romance with Marc Antony. (Taylor met the love her life, Richard Burton, whom she married and divorced twice, on the set of the film; both were married to other people at the time.)

The actress styled a black cropped wig, gold snake headpiece, heavy eye makeup and flowy dress -- which she had to hold up to walk. Between scenes, Lohan puffed on a cigarette while in costume.

Lohan turned 26 on Monday and celebrated the day with a big birthday bash at West Hollywood nightclub Bootsy Bellows early Sunday. "She sat at her table close to the DJ," a witness told Us Weekly. "[Up-and-coming group] Speakerz was there and performed several songs for Lindsey. She was loving them and looked happy and carefree as she danced all around with her friends." And the actress has even more to celebrate. She tweeted early Tuesday, "Thank you all for the birthday wishes! Also -- that's a wrap on Liz & Dick- thank you to all my fans, crew members, friends & lifetime!"

沪江娱乐快讯:“玉婆”伊丽莎白·泰勒的个人传记电影《丽兹与迪克》(Liz & Dick)的拍摄工作渐入佳境,女主角林赛·罗韩日前被记者拍到她在片场的最新造型照。一头齐肩黑发的林赛演绎伊丽莎白的经典荧幕角色“埃及艳后”(Cleopatra)。不知道林赛能否在片中重现泰勒性感妩媚的神韵?

据悉,电影《丽兹与迪克》(Liz & Dick)描绘了伊丽莎白·泰勒和好莱坞男星伯顿之间的一段跌宕起伏的恋爱经历。二人在当时红极一时,媒体戏称他们简直就是那个年代的“皮特和朱莉”。他们曾两度结婚,又两度离婚。影片将以两人充满戏剧化的情史为线索。

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