
汤姆•克鲁斯婚前协议太变态? 网友辟谣称其“纯属扯淡”

沪江英语 2012-07-05 11:22
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Hollywood, CA — Just hours after People magazine revealed that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are calling it quits after five years of marriage, a source from the law firm that drew up the five year marriage contract has come forward with it’s details.

According to the source at the law firm, here are just a few of the conditions of the contract:

#4 – Ms. Holmes will receive $3 million per year of marriage, with a $20 million bonus at the end of the fifth year. Ms. Holmes is required to pay $10 million to Mr. Cruise if she terminates the marriage before the five years.

#17 – $10 million bonus per offspring produced.

#690 – Cannot speak to anyone about the “special” male friends of Mr. Cruise.

#750 – Must live by the rituals, practices and laws of The Galactic Federation of Planets.

#857 – Xenu outfits are to be worn at all religious ceremonies and during mating sessions for offspring.

#915 – In the rare occurrence that Xenu returns to earth or Teegeeack, Ms. Holmes must accompany Mr. Cruise on the mothership or a vessel of his choosing, or forfeit any money earned.


第750条提到的“银河星球联邦”尤其令人匪夷所思,接下来还有更令人大跌眼镜的。第857条规定:凯蒂在宗教典礼和产期内必须着Xenu服装;第915条规定:一旦Xenu重返地球,凯蒂必须陪同汤姆克鲁斯坐上丈夫选择的航母或是船舰,否则将被没收所有财产。(注:第750、857、915条和外星人及银河系相关内容可见科学教创始人L. Ron Hubbard的书,因他原先是科幻作家)


报道一出,连著名编剧宁财神都在微博上惊呼:“这难道是美剧《生活大爆炸》里谢耳朵附体?” 随后,实名认证为《南方周末》特约撰稿人的微博用户“flypig”发现,这一婚前协议其实是从国外一个名叫“Super Official News”(超级官方新闻)的假新闻网站上,搞了一篇来自“The Ass Press”(屁股通讯社)的文章,翻译了过来,当成正经新闻登了。之后,连“打假斗士”方舟子也通过微博为阿汤哥“伸张正义”了:“翻译删掉了几条最搞笑的,不知是没有幽默感还是怕露馅。”





Tom Cruise is planning to eat the placenta after fiancèe Katie Holmes gives birth to their child.

The actor, 43, said: 'I thought that would be good. Very nutritious.'




Appearing on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' in May that year, the movie super-star's budding romance with the younger Holmes was the talk of Hollywood.

Cruise spent most of the interview with Oprah giggling about his new relationship and jumping around wildly, before running off to drag a blushing Holmes on to the set.

"I'm in love," he proclaimed to Oprah and her audience.

His antics of jumping on the show's couch and fist pumping have since been parodied all over the globe.




We can thank Rogers for the couch-jumping shrink-hating Cruise we know and love because she introduced him to Scientology when they were married. "Tom was seriously thinking of becoming a monk. And he though he had to be celibate to maintain the purity of his instrument..." she said, explaining their split.




It sounds like Tom has taken a page out of one of his action movies. A-list celebrities know they can’t be too careful. Tom’s vehicles look perfectly normal, but in reality they are more like armoured trucks. He really, really loves his cars and he can afford the best.�

Tom has also had bombproof features included on his car and has had his drivers trained in self-defence.




According to a source with radio station K-Earth 101, the Cruise camp was willing to go to great lengths to garner some positive publicity. In fact, they went so far as to offer a screening for anyone at the station and their friends at the Cruise home, if only they'd "say 'nice things' about the movie," according to the source.





Developed by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology is a religion that offers a precise path leading to a complete and certain understanding of one’s true spiritual nature and one’s relationship to self, family, groups, Mankind, all life forms, the material universe, the spiritual universe and the Supreme Being.



