
阿汤哥今迎50岁生日 盘点出道30年荧幕大片(组图)

沪江英语 2012-07-03 14:37
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As Tom Cruise celebrates his 50th birthday, we took a look at his movie history and selected his 25 greatest films. At just 18, Tom Cruise headed for New York to pursue his dreams of becoming an actor. Making his debut in Endless Love in 1981, this marked the beginning of a career that can only been described as the stuff of legends.

From 'Risky Business' to 'Rock of Ages', it's no wonder Cruise is one of the world's highest paid actors. Which one's your favourite Tom Cruise film?

沪江娱乐快讯: 今天(7月3日)是好莱坞巨星汤姆·克鲁斯50岁的生日,从《壮志凌云》中的风华正茂,到《摇滚时代》中的颓废不羁,出道30年的阿汤哥依旧魅力不减。不过,眼下正在冰岛拍摄新片《遗忘》(Oblivion)的阿汤哥可能无心欣赏了,第三任太太凯蒂突然单方面申请离婚,绝对是阿汤哥今年生日最意外的“贺礼”。



1983 saw a young, fresh-faced Tom Cruise come into the spotlight with 'Risky Business'.


In 1985, Cruise was cast in Ridley Scott's fantasy adventure film, 'Legend'. Cruise played a young man who must stop the Lord of Darkness from destroying daylight and marrying the woman he loves.


Cruise's career was in full swing in 1986 as he sealed his megastar status as the ultimate action hero in 'Top Gun'.


1988 saw Cruise in the romantic drama 'Cocktail' as a talented New York bartender who takes a job at a bar in Jamaica and falls in love.


The 1988 'Rain Man' became a classic, picking up four Oscars. Cruise played a selfish young man reluctantly travelling with his handicapped brother, a role that earned co-star Dustin Hoffman the Best Actor Academy Award.
1988年的《雨人》成为了奥斯卡史上的经典之作。克鲁斯在其中饰演一名自私的年轻人,他不愿意与身患残疾的哥哥一同旅行。主演达斯汀·霍夫曼凭借与克鲁 斯的合作获得了奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。


By the 1990s Tom Cruise was one of the highest paid actors in the world, earning an average of 15 million dollars a picture. In 1993, Cruise picked up more critical praise as a young lawyer in thriller 'The Firm'.
到1990年,汤姆·克鲁斯已经成为世界上片酬最高的男演员之一,每部作品大约赚1500万美元。1993年,克鲁斯因在 惊悚片《糖衣陷阱》饰演一名年轻的律师而赢得评论界的广泛赞誉。


In 1994 Cruise starred alongside Brad Pitt and a (very) young Kirsten Dunst in 'Interview with the Vampire', where a vampire tells his epic life story of love, betrayal, and hunger.
1994年,克鲁斯与布拉德·皮特及年轻的克里斯汀·邓斯特一道,出演了《夜访吸血鬼》,影片讲述了吸血鬼关于爱、背叛 和饥渴的传奇一生。


Cruise and wife Nicole Kidman starred alongside each other again in the controversial sexual conspiracy thriller 'Eyes Wide Shut' in 1999, the last film by legendary director Stanley Kubrick.
1999年,克鲁斯与妻子尼克·基德曼共同出演了颇受争议的情色阴谋惊悚片《大开眼戒》,这也是传奇导演斯坦利·库布 里克的最后一部电影。


In 2001 Cruise played a publisher who finds his life taking a turn for the surreal in 'Vanilla Sky', starring alongside Cameron Diaz and new love interest Penelope Cruz. Tom and wife Nicole announced their separation during the filming.
2001年,克鲁斯在电影《香草天空》中饰演一名发现自己生活不再真实的出版商,和卡梅隆·迪亚兹及新恋人佩内洛普· 克鲁兹合作。在电影拍摄期间汤姆和尼克分道扬镳。


In 2010, Cruise again partnered with his 'Vanilla Sky' co-star Cameron Diaz in action flick 'Knight and Day'.


In Tom Cruise's latest film, 'Rock of Ages' - out now - he plays 80s Rock star Stacee Jaxx. Once again he's showing he's not just a pretty face - the film's a musical, and he's doing all his own singing!
在最新电影《摇滚时代》中,汤姆·克鲁斯扮演一名八十年代的摇滚巨星。他在影片中再一次证明了他不是靠脸蛋吃饭的, 《摇滚时代》是一部歌舞剧,剧中所有的演唱都由阿汤哥独挑大梁。

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