
约翰尼•德普《独行侠》官方首曝剧情 相比老版更多幽默

沪江英语 2012-03-04 10:00
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Armie Hammer has taken his spot in the title role along with Johnny Depp -- playing the role of "spirit warrior Tonto" -- in the production that is now underway, according to a release from Walt Disney Studios.

The movie brings together the original filmmaking team of the first three Pirates of the Caribbean blockbusters -- Depp, director Gore Verbinski and producer Jerry Bruckheimer.

The Lone Ranger also stars Helena Bonham Carter, Tom Wilkinson, Barry Pepper and William Fichtner.

Even though Depp is playing the sidekick of the famous hero of the West, be sure his part will be expanded. The Disney release even explains that the "tale is brought to life through new eyes -- Native American spirit warrior Tonto recounts the untold tales that transformed John Reid (Hammer), a man of the law, into a legend of justice."

"The two unlikely heroes must learn to work together and fight against greed and corruption," the release continues.

The movie will be shot in Western locations including New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado.

It is due to hit theaters May 31, 2013.


《独行侠》是一部惊心动魄的冒险电影,充满动作与幽默。独行侠这位带面具的著名英雄人物将会被以全新角度演绎。通过土著印第安人武士Tonto(约翰尼·德普饰演)之口,描述了主角约翰·雷德(John Reid,由艾米·汉莫饰演),一位法律的化身,正义的使者的故事——他们两人将带领观众登上逃亡列车,来一次史诗般的惊险之旅。两位主角在逃亡中不断产生各种搞笑的摩擦,他们必须通力合作,对抗贪婪和腐败。

《独行侠》(The Lone Ranger)最初起源于一部1933年开播的同名广播剧,曾多次被改编为电影、电视剧、小说、动漫和游戏。老版的故事中,一队德克萨斯骑警遭到匪徒伏击,主角约翰·雷德(John Reid)被印第安人Tonto所救,之后他化身为骑白马戴面具的“孤胆骑警”,将各种歹徒缉拿归案并交给法律审判,Tonto则成为独行侠在行侠仗义、除暴安良时的战斗助手。


这项计划将是《加勒比海盗》系列之后,铁三角:导演维宾斯基、制片人杰瑞·布鲁克海默与演员德普的再次合作。《独行侠》将是迪士尼管理层Rich Ross和Sean Bailey掌控下的预算数额巨大的影片之一,影片制作预算从开始的2.75亿美元缩减至2.15亿美元,其间经过了重新签署新的工作合约(包括减薪),重新规划制作预算及拍摄时间等过程,可谓艰难重重。

《独行侠》的演员阵容还包括英剧《路德》女星露丝·威尔森、凭借《越狱》而被中国观众熟知的威廉·菲德内尔以及巴里·佩珀 、汤姆·威尔金森、海伦娜·伯翰·卡特、詹姆斯·贝吉·戴尔等著名演员。

