

沪江英语 2011-11-23 13:46
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大白鲨 Jaws (1975)

Jaws is a 1975 American horror-thriller film directed by Steven Spielberg and based on Peter Benchley's novel of the same name. In the story, the police chief of Amity Island, a fictional summer resort town, tries to protect beachgoers from a giant man-eating great white shark by closing the beach, only to be overruled by the town council, which wants the beach to remain open to draw a profit from tourists during the summer season. After several attacks, the police chief enlists the help of a marine biologist and a professional shark hunter. Roy Scheider stars as police chief Martin Brody, Richard Dreyfuss as oceanographer Matt Hooper, Robert Shaw as shark hunter Quint, Murray Hamilton as the Mayor of Amity Island, and Lorraine Gary as Brody's wife, Ellen.



第三类接触 Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (sometimes abbreviated to CE3K and often referred to as just Close Encounters) is a 1977 science fiction film written and directed by Steven Spielberg. It tells the story of Roy Neary, a lineman in Indiana, whose life changes after he has an encounter with an unidentified flying object (UFO). The United States government and an international team of scientific researchers are also aware of the UFOs.

越来越多人看到天空中的不明飞行物体,由李察德莱佛斯饰演的主人翁则极力想解开这个外层空间之迷……。在《 第三类接触》精修版本中,描写外层空间的不明飞行物体将降落地球,专家们正在搜寻飞碟的降落地点。此时,一名电力公司的电线工人李察德瑞佛斯,在户外检查电力问题时, 竟发觉自己受到天空中异光的包围,从此他的心中就不停的出现怪异的景像、与5个奇怪的音符,为了解开这个不可思议的谜 ,他像着了魔一样,亲自与外星人作了第一次面对面的接触,并展开了一段外层空间之旅……

夺宝奇兵 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Raiders of the Lost Ark is a 1981 American action-adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg, produced by George Lucas, and starring Harrison Ford. It is the first film in the Indiana Jones franchise. It pits Indiana Jones (Ford) against a group of Nazis who search for the Ark of the Covenant because Adolf Hitler believes it will make their army invincible. The film co-stars Karen Allen as Indiana's former lover, Marion Ravenwood; Paul Freeman as Indiana's nemesis, French archaeologist René Belloq; John Rhys-Davies as Indiana's sidekick, Sallah; and Denholm Elliott as Indiana's colleague, Marcus Brody.

二战期间,希特勒在世界各地召集考古学家寻找“失落的约柜”——圣经中引导希伯来人与上帝交流的圣物,希特勒欲借其来护佑纳粹的战争。为了使希特勒的计划破灭,印第安纳琼斯博士(Harrison Ford饰)奔赴尼泊尔,一边奋力挖掘蛛丝马迹,一边还要与无孔不入的纳粹分子周旋。凭借着过人的智慧和异于常人的胆量及大无畏的勇气,琼斯终于在罗马找到了指示约柜位置的太阳手杖,继而发现了约柜。就在大功告成之际,纳粹军却侵吞了胜利果实,还将琼斯等人留在了蛇穴里!但是无往不胜的琼斯总是有办法死里逃生,并狠狠地还以颜色!

外星人 E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (often referred to simply as E.T.) is a 1982 American science fiction film co-produced and directed by Steven Spielberg, written by Melissa Mathison and starring Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Robert MacNaughton, Drew Barrymore, and Peter Coyote. It tells the story of Elliott (played by Thomas), a lonely boy who befriends an extraterrestrial, dubbed "E.T.", who is stranded on Earth. Elliott and his siblings help the extraterrestrial return home while attempting to keep it hidden from their mother and the government.


太阳帝国 Empire of the Sun (1987)

Empire of the Sun is a 1987 American coming of age war film based on J. G. Ballard's semi-autobiographical novel of the same name. Steven Spielberg directed the film, which stars Christian Bale, John Malkovich, Miranda Richardson, and Nigel Havers. The film tells the story of Jamie "Jim" Graham, a young boy who goes from living in a wealthy British family in Shanghai, to becoming a prisoner of war in Lunghua Civilian Assembly Center, a Japanese internment camp, during World War II.


侏罗纪公园 Jurassic Park (1993)

Jurassic Park is a 1993 American science fiction adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg. The film is based on the novel of the same name by Michael Crichton. The film centers on the fictional Isla Nublar near Costa Rica in the Central American Pacific Coast, where a billionaire philanthropist and a small team of genetic scientists have created an amusement park of cloned dinosaurs.


辛德勒的名单 Schindler's List (1993)

Schindler's List is a 1993 American film about Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories. The film was directed by Steven Spielberg, and based on the novel Schindler's Ark by Australian novelist Thomas Keneally.

1939年,波兰在纳粹德国的统治下,党卫军对犹太人进行了隔离统治。德国商人奥斯卡·辛德勒(阿姆·内森 饰)来到德军统治下的克拉科夫,开设了一间搪瓷厂,生产军需用品。凭着出众的社交能力和大量的金钱,辛德勒和德军建立了良好的关系,他的工厂雇用犹太人工作,大发战争财。1943年,克拉科夫的犹太人遭到了惨绝人寰的大屠杀,辛德勒目睹这一切,受到了极大的震撼,他贿赂军官,让自己的工厂成为集中营的附属劳役营,在那些疯狂屠杀的日子里,他的工厂也成为了犹太人的避难所。1944年,德国战败前夕,屠杀犹太人的行动越发疯狂,辛德勒向德军军官开出了1200人的名单,倾家荡产买下了这些犹太人的生命。在那些暗无天日的岁月里,拯救一个人,就是拯救全世界

勇者无惧 Amistad (1997)

Amistad is a 1997 historical drama film directed by Steven Spielberg based on the true story of a mutiny in 1839 by newly captured African slaves that took place aboard the ship La Amistad off the coast of Cuba, the subsequent voyage to the Northeastern United States and the legal battle that followed their capture by a United States revenue cutter. It shows how, even though the case was won at the federal district court level, it was appealed by President Martin Van Buren to the Supreme Court, and how former President John Quincy Adams took part in the proceedings.


拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan (1998)

Saving Private Ryan is a 1998 American war film set during the invasion of Normandy in World War II. It was directed by Steven Spielberg, with a screenplay by Robert Rodat. The film is notable for the intensity of its opening 27 minutes, which depicts the Omaha Beach assault of June 6, 1944. Afterwards, it follows Tom Hanks as U.S. Army Captain John H. Miller and seven men (Tom Sizemore, Edward Burns, Barry Pepper, Vin Diesel, Giovanni Ribisi, Adam Goldberg, and Jeremy Davies), as they search for a paratrooper, Private First Class James Francis Ryan (Matt Damon), who is the last surviving brother of four servicemen.

《拯救大兵瑞恩》(Saving Private Ryan)是美国经典战争电影之一,描述诺曼底登陆后,瑞恩家4名于前线参战的儿子中,除了隶属101空降师二等兵的小儿子詹姆斯·瑞恩仍下落不明外,其他3个儿子皆已于两周内陆续战死。美国陆军参谋长马歇尔上将得知此事后出于人道考量,特令前线组织一支8人小队,只为在人海茫茫、枪林弹雨中找出生死未卜的二等兵詹姆斯·瑞恩,并将其平安送回后方。该片最为人津津乐道的是开头的诺曼底登陆抢滩场面,相当程度重现了当年的残酷与惨烈。


人工智能 Artificial Intelligence (2001)

A.I. Artificial Intelligence, also known as A.I., is a 2001 science fiction drama film directed, produced and co-written by Steven Spielberg. Based on Brian Aldiss' short story "Super-Toys Last All Summer Long", the film stars Haley Joel Osment, Frances O'Connor, Jude Law, Sam Robards, Jake Thomas and William Hurt. Set sometime in the future, A.I. tells the story of David, a child-like android uniquely programmed with the ability to love.


猫鼠游戏 Catch Me If You Can (2002)

Catch Me If You Can is a 2002 American biographical comedy-drama film based on the life of Frank Abagnale Jr., who, before his 19th birthday, successfully performed cons worth millions of dollars by posing as a Pan American World Airways pilot, a Georgia doctor, and a Louisiana parish prosecutor. His primary crime was check fraud; he became so skillful that the FBI eventually turned to him for help in catching other check forgers. The film is directed by Steven Spielberg and stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Abagnale, Tom Hanks as Hanratty, along with Christopher Walken, Amy Adams, Martin Sheen, and Nathalie Baye.

弗兰克(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio饰)是FBI有史以来年龄最小的通缉犯。他的犯罪手段神通广大,伪装身份的能力超乎常人,全美各地几乎都留下他的犯罪足迹。乔装医生、律师、飞行员,统统都是他曾经的身份。当然,弗兰克凭着这个“本领”,骗取了高达几百万的金额。活得逍遥快乐的弗兰克这次又成功伪造了一份学历证明,去医院做起了大夫。弗兰克不但在这里认识了护士布雷达(艾米·亚当斯 Amy Adams饰),二人擦出爱火花,还通过布雷达的父亲得到了一份检察官助理的优差。然而,这只是暴风雨前夕——一双眼睛已经盯住了弗兰克,誓要把他绳之于法不可。这就是FBI探员卡尔(汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks饰)。在研究追捕弗兰克的过程中,卡尔领教到这个犯罪天才的过人智商。他屡次被弗兰克这个黄毛小子捉弄,心里又恨又不得不佩服。每当弗兰克有惊无险地从他的精心布局中逃脱时,这个猫鼠游戏显得有趣起来……

幸福终点站 The Terminal (2004)

The Terminal is a 2004 American comedy-drama film directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones. It is about a man trapped in a terminal at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport when he is denied entry into the United States and at the same time cannot return to his native country, the fictitious Krakozhia, due to a revolution. The film is partially inspired by the 18-year-stay of Mehran Karimi Nasseri in the Charles de Gaulle International Airport, Terminal I, Paris, France from 1988 to 2006.

为了完成父亲的心愿,维克多(Tom Hanks 饰)从故国乘坐飞机前往美国肯尼迪机场,但戏剧性的事情发生了:他被告知祖国发生政变,而他的身份证护照一一失效,同时他的签证也无法再使用。进退两难的维克多只有在机场滞留,等待新证件的办理。但是,他在机场等待了整整9个月。在这9个月里面,他用机场的洗手间洗漱,在候机室睡觉,他已经学懂因地制宜,在机场照料自己的生活,甚至还找了一份建筑工地工作。然而维克多的邋遢晦气却招来了机场负责人弗兰克的不满,而恐怕更令他气愤妒忌的是,美丽的空姐艾米利亚竟然爱上了维克多。处在甜蜜中的维克多,也在慢慢观察机场的人生百态,自得其乐。

慕尼黑 Munich (2005)

Munich is a 2005 historical fiction film about the Israeli government's secret retaliation attacks after the massacre of Israeli athletes by the Black September terrorist group during the 1972 Summer Olympics. The film stars Eric Bana and was produced and directed by Steven Spielberg. It was written by Tony Kushner and Eric Roth. The film shows how a squad of assassins, led by former Mossad agent Avner (Eric Bana), track down and kill a list of Black September members thought to be responsible for the eleven Israeli athletes' murders. The second part of the film, which depicts the Israeli government's response, has been debated a great deal by film critics and newspaper columnists. Spielberg refers to the film's second part as "historical fiction", saying it is inspired by the actual Israeli operations which are now known as Operation Wrath of God.


丁丁历险记 The Adventures of Tintin (2011)

The Adventures of Tintin (also known as The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn) is a 2011 American performance capture 3D film based on The Adventures of Tintin, a series of comic books created by Belgian artist Hergé (Georges Remi). Directed by Steven Spielberg, produced by Peter Jackson, and written by Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish, the film is based on three of the original comic books: The Crab with the Golden Claws (1941), The Secret of the Unicorn (1943), and Red Rackham's Treasure (1944).


战马 War Horse (2011)

War Horse is a 2011 British-American war drama film directed by Steven Spielberg and is intended for release in the United States on 25 December 2011 and in the United Kingdom on 13 January 2012. It is based on both War Horse, a children's novel set during World War I, by British author Michael Morpurgo, first published in the United Kingdom in 1982, and the 2007 stage adaptation of the same name.

