
奥斯卡怀旧金曲:Englebert Humperdinck- The Last Waltz

兔子 2011-11-21 09:26
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沪江英乐讯  Engelbert Humperdinck,1936年出生于印度,10岁时随父亲回到英国。今天推荐的这支单曲《The Last Waltz》在流行排行榜蝉联七周冠军,一上市便成为金唱片。至今,Engelbert 的唱片已卖出1亿3000万张,荣获过4次格莱美大奖提名。
像伍迪·艾伦的《午夜巴黎》中所描述的那样,每个人心中都有一个“黄金时代”,且这个时代一定不是TA所生活的当下。听着缓慢的华尔兹曲,脑海中浮现出二人共舞的画面,优雅的情怀,在旋转中酝酿而生… 那样一个单纯浪漫的年代,没有嘈杂和繁忙,想必是所有现代人心中的“黄金时代”罢。

Song:The Last  Waltz
Artist:Englebert Humperdinck

I wonder should I go or should I stay 我正考虑离开还是暂留
The band had only one more song to play 乐队只剩最后一首歌要演奏
And then I saw you out the corner of my eyes 我用眼角的余光看见你
A little girl alone and so shy 一个孤单害羞的小姑娘

I had the last waltz with you 我挽着你伴着最后的华尔兹翩翩起舞
Two lonely people together 两颗孤独的心在相碰
I fell in love with you 我爱上了你
The last waltz should last forever 盼最后的华尔兹延长永久

But the love we had was going strong 虽说我们的爱越来越强烈
Through the good and bad ,we got along 也共度了快乐和悲伤
And then the flame of love died in your eyes 但后来你眼中爱情的火焰渐渐熄灭
My heart was broken in two when you said goodbye 当你与我道别 我的心碎了

I had the last waltz with you 我挽着你伴着最后的华尔兹翩翩起舞
Two lonely people together 两颗孤独的心在相碰
I fell in love with you 我爱上了你
The last waltz should last forever 盼最后的华尔兹延长永久

It s all over now ,nothing left to say 如今全已休,无言以对
Just my tears and the orchestra playing 弦乐声中泪如雨下
La la la … la la la …
I had the last waltz with you 我挽着你伴着最后的华尔兹翩翩起舞
Two lonely people together 两颗孤独的心在相碰
I fell in love with you 我爱上了你
The last waltz should last forever 盼最后的华尔兹延长永久
La la la …
