

shelly 2011-08-29 11:48
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Ben: Ok, everybody, they are here. G-force, in your positions. It’s show time. Hello. Director Killian? I’m Ben. Congratulations on becoming the new task force director. That’s neat.

Killian: Let’s save the chitchat. Time is money.

Ben: Ok. Many people don’t know that since the civil war, animals have been used to gather strategic intelligence. Now, our work focus on developing communication between human and animals. Now these cockroaches right here have been trained to carry microcameras into surveillance zones, which is, I think, really kind of neat. Congratulations. Dr. Kendall, do you mean to tell me that Homeland Security is financing a roach motel?

Killian: This is a rodent.

Ben: Guinea pig, sir. Don’t say that. They get highly offended. You know their DNA is 98.7 percent identical to humans, right?

Killian: No, how would I know that?

Ben: So, you’ll notice the extremely developed sense of motor skills. That’s because their brains have close to a billion neurons and a trillion synapses. That’s a thousand times stronger than any supercomputer. It gives them exceptional, like, eye-hand reflexes. 

Killian: It’s a video game.

Ben: Yeah. And there’s something over here…ok, we’ll go over here. You’re really gonna be amazed by this. It’s a language decoder. It enables animals to talk to humans. Without it, they sound like normal animals. Go ahead, take a look.

Special agent: You’re Dr. Dolittle. You talk to animals.

Ben: Actually, talking to animals is the easy part. Getting them to talk back, that’s the hard part.

Darwin, Juarez, and Blaster!

Juarez: So these guys are special agents?

Darwin: Yeah, just like we’re gonna be. Hey, how you doing?

Killian: Whoa, that’s impossible.

Juarez: No, no, no. Finding something that fits me off the rack, that’s impossible.

Ben: Think that’s something? Check out Speckles. He’s been decrypting the file.

Killian: Who’s Speckles?

Ben: Our mole. Star-nosed breed. Blind as a bat. IQ off the charts. He’s lucky I found him. His family was exterminated.

Speckles: We’re ready.

Ben: Last night, G-Force was able to get some intelligence regarding Project Clusterstorm.

Killian: Wait, you ran a mission without my authorization?

Ben: Yes. We went to Saber’s mansion and…

Killian: Wait a second; you broke into Leonard Saber’s house?

Juarez: We accomplished in one night what you guys couldn’t do in two years.

Blaster: And without a warrant. Holla.

Darwin: Blaster, cool it.

Ben: I knew we were up for review, and I just wanted to show you what we could do.

Killian: All right, then show me. What’d you get?

Ben: Speckles, you are on.

Speckles: Darwin’s PDA contains classified…

Killian: Just open it.

Blaster: What is it?

Juarez: A cappuccino machine?

Darwin: What? That’s not right. I downloaded the Clusterstorm file, not plans for a coffee machine.

Ben: Oh.

Blaster: Right computer, wrong file.

Juarez: Darwin, what happened?

Darwin: Speckles show them the Clusterstorm file.

Speckles: Well, this is all we have. I’m sorry.

Darwin: No, that’s not it. It’s about global extermination. I saw it.

Killian: That’s it. Kendall. Outside. Now.


1 in your positions. 各就各位。

2 That’s neat. 太厉害了。可以注意到下文中又出现了一次,可以翻译为:很方便。翻译视具体情境。

3 chitchat 拍马屁的话。

4 focus on 集中精力

5 special agents 特工

6 Finding something that fits me off the rack 给我找点现成的东西才是不可能的。off the rack: 现成的

7 Finding that's something? 那很了不起吧?something很好的一个词,电影中经常出现Do something一词,表示做一些事情能够使情况改观,通常以急切的口吻。大家不妨留意一下,也许会有新的发现呢~~

8 Check out 检查,退房结账。另外check in 还指登记入住(hotel等场所)

9 off the charts 智商高的惊人。

10 break into 破门而入,潜入

11 cool it 冷静点。cool是很常用的一个词哦~学会用的话和老外交谈会刮目相看哦~比如别人请你去什么地方,问你怎么样,你就可以说cool:很好啊。

12 up for review 等候指示

13 you are on 该你了。还记得那个I’m in的表达吗?是我加入的意思哦~~


14 That's it 够了,别说了。通常用于制止别人继续说下去。说到这份上就要适可而止了,不要让人生了厌恶之情哦~~
