

2011-05-21 16:10
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Ahoy - A pirate greeting, or a shout to attract an attention. Something like "Hello!" or "Yo!".
Ahoy- 海盗们打招呼的方式,或者用来引起他人注意,跟Hello,或者Yo!差不多。

Arrr, Arrgh, Yarr, Gar - A common pirate terms, which are used in different situations.
Arrr, Arrgh, Yarr, Gar - 海盗常用的表达方式,在不同情况下有不同的含义。

Avast - An order to stop and pay attention. 
Avast- 用来让大家停下手里的事情注意听的命令。

Aye - "Yes"
Aye- 是的

Aye aye - Conformation, taking order from the captain. 
Aye aye-从船长那里接到命令的确认。

Belay - Usually means to tie something down but pirates used it to prevent someone to do something.
Belay- 通常的意思是把什么东西捆起来,不过海盗们用来阻止某人做某事。

Booty – The treasures and other values plundered from the victim ships. 
Booty - 从遇难船上抢的财宝和值钱的东西。

Bucko - A friend. 

Davy Jones's locker - A graveyard for people killed or drowned at the sea.
Davy Jones's locker-海上被杀死或者淹死的人的坟场。

Dead men tell no tales - Means that a dead man cannot reveal any secret or fact. It was the reason why the pirates didn't like to spare any survivors. 
Dead men tell no tales-意思是死去的人不会泄露任何秘密或者真相,这也是海盗不喜欢留活口的原因。

I'll Crush Ye Barnacles - A common pirate's threat.
I'll Crush Ye Barnacles-海盗们通常的威胁方式。

Jolly Roger - The well-known pirate flags, usually represented with symbols of a skull and the crossbones. The most recognized symbol of the pirates. 
Jolly Roger-著名的海盗旗,通常用一个头骨和交叉的骨头做象征,是海盗最显著的记号。

Lad - A younger person.
Lad- 年轻人

Letters of Marquee - A document issued by a government, which allowed the privateers and the buccaneers to legally attack the ships and the colonies of an enemy nation. 
Letters of Marquee-一份政府签署的文档,允许海盗们合法的攻击敌人和敌人的船只。

Maroon - To leave prisoners on island or desert coast.

Matey - A companion, a close friend. 

Prize - A ship captured by pirates.
Prize- 被海盗占领的船只。

Savvy - "Do you understand?" 

Sea Rover - A pirate, a pirate ship. 
Sea Rover-海盗,海盗船。

Shiver me timbers - idiom for surprise, shock. Usually used when a ship is hit in combat. 
Shiver me timbers-用来表达惊讶、震惊的习语。通常是在船只遇上战斗的时候。

Smartly - To do something quickly.

Sweet trade - Another term for the trade of piracy. 
Sweet trade -海盗的贸易。

Walk the plank - When someone is forced to walk on a plank, with hands tied behind. Plank is extended over the side of a ship, and victim is usually forced to jump to water and drown. Shown today as main pirates' amusement, although only a few real pirates practiced that.
Walk the plank-Plank就是船上的一条伸到海面上的木板,海盗们会让一个人双手反绑,走在上面,这个人通常会被强迫着跳进海里淹死。现在已经成为了海盗们的娱乐,不过真正的海盗只有很少一部分人练过这个。

Weigh anchor - "let's go", "get ready to sail on".
Weigh anchor-出发!起航啦!

Yo-ho-ho - Salutation, expression of delight.  
Yo-ho-ho - 打招呼,表示开心。
