
China Daily:默多克听证会遭袭 邓文迪护夫被赞(2/2)

默多克听证会遭袭 邓文迪护夫被赞(2/2)

the News International newspaper
Andrew Hawkins

【听写回顾】小贝爱女首曝光 姓名来源揭晓»
After a short recess, Murdoch, now jacket-less, was told by one of the committee members he had shown "immense guts". Another lawmaker, long one of his most bitter critics, later jokingly complimented his wife on her "very good left hook". That televised cameo, and the emotionally worded statements from the Murdochs on their personal remorse and will to clean up the mess at the News International newspaper unit, may temper some of the public and parliamentary fury aimed at a man who has been courted and feared by British leaders for decades. "You couldn't make this stuff up. It could have turned the whole situation around for them," said Andrew Hawkins, chairman of polling company ComRes. "The combination of his father's age and the custard pie attack will have elicited a tremendous amount of sympathy. I suspect that in the weeks to come we will probably look back at this moment and think it was pivotal for them."
片刻休息之后,默多克脱掉外套继续接受质询。一名议员称他非常“无畏”。另一名立法人士随后打趣地称赞他的妻子“左勾拳很精彩”。而他一直是默多克最严厉的批评者之一。 电视直播了这段插曲以及整场听证会。默多克父子的发言十分感人,并表达了自责之意。他们表示将纠正旗下英国报业子公司犯下的错误。这些可能会缓和某些公众和议员对默多克的怨气。几十年来,英国的领导者都拉拢默多克,而且对他惧怕三分。 康雷斯民意调查公司董事长安德鲁•霍金斯说:“这不是捏造出来的,这有可能为他们打开局面。” “默多克的高龄以及遭袭事件会引发巨大的同情效应。我猜想,未来几周我们很可能会回想这一瞬间,而且会认为这对他们至关重要。”
相关热点: 中央民族大学