

2011-03-10 23:19
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Easter in Jackson The pounding rain began in the middle of the night. The people of Jackson, Ohio awoke to the sound then went back to sleep. The next day the rain continued, and the water began to rise. Statistics said Jackson floods once every one hundred years, but no one believed this would be the flood of the century. People were evacuated from their homes to higher ground, leaving everything behind. Buildings in the low-lying areas were immersed in water. People watched as dogs, cats, cows and other animals were swept away. Cars and trucks were carried miles from their homes. The people felt helpless as they watched Mother Nature show her power.
杰克逊的复活节 半夜时分,下起了瓢泼大雨。俄亥俄州杰克逊的人们被雨声惊醒,但很快地又进入了梦乡。第二天,雨未停,水开始上涨了。据统计,杰克逊每100年发一次水灾,但谁也没有想到这次大雨导致了这场世纪之灾。人们顾不上携带财物,匆匆从家里撤离,逃向高地。洼地里的建筑浸泡在水中。人们眼睁睁地看着狗、猫、牛和其他动物被大水冲走,连汽车和卡车也被冲到离家几英里外的地方。看着老 天爷发威,人们束手无策。