

2011-03-10 23:12
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Learn a Lesson, Find the Gift Tom Peterson worked for many years to build a solid business selling television sets, stereo systems, and home appliances. He gave people good value, a full satisfaction guarantee, and friendly service. With the help of his wife Gloria, who handled the books, Tom developed an excellent reputation. He was proud of his high percentage of repeat customers. About five years ago, Tom was approached by the owners of a competing company, Stereo Super Stores. They wanted him to buy them out. The price was very attractive. Everything looked good. Before making his final decision Tom asked Gloria what she thought about the purchase. She told him that even though the numbers looked good it didn't feel right to her. However, Tom was so self-confident and so convinced that this was a rare opportunity, he went ahead and made the purchase. Within months he discovered that he had made a big mistake. He had paid much too much for a dying company.
吸取一个教训,赢得一份礼物 汤姆.彼得森苦干多年开创了一家公司,生意兴隆,主要销售电视机、立体声装置和家用器具。他向顾客出售的产品价格合理,保证顾客百分之百的满意度,并向他们提供热情周到的售后服务。他妻子格罗丽娅是个书商,在她的帮助下,汤姆赢得了极好的声誉。他为自己拥有高比例的回头客感到自豪。 大约五年前,汤姆的竞争对手——一家立体声超市的拥有者和汤姆进行了接洽,他们想让他把这家超市买下来。价格非常诱人,一切看起来都很合适。在作出最终决定之前,汤姆征求了格罗丽娅对这一购买的意见。格罗丽娅对他说,尽管数目看来合适,但她还是感觉这次购买不对劲。然而,汤姆太自信了,坚信这是一个难得的机会,于是他采取行动,将超市买下来。不出几个月,他发现他犯了一个大错误。他在一个奄奄一息的公司身上花费了太多的钱。