
《识骨寻踪》第五季 猜猜谁来当新娘

2010-02-18 20:05
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Here comes the bride! Bones will host a big wedding in May. “One of the four women in our cast will be getting married,” says exec producer Hart Hanson, who (with a little prodding) narrowed the candidates down to these couples:

新娘子来咯!五月份的《识骨寻踪》即将引来一场盛大的婚礼。编剧大人Hart Hanson透露说:“咱剧组主要角色的四个女人当中,有一个要结婚了。”这一颇具暗示的剧透让粉丝们的猜测集中到了四位常驻角色身上。

Booth & Brennan “It would take a lot to get there, but it’s conceivable,” says Hanson. Really? When I was on set, I observed a kiss between David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel—but it was a behind-the-scenes smooch on the cheek celebrating their 100th episode. The only way a wedding could happen is if they were undercover in a wedding chapel or, as costar Tamara Taylor (Camille) says, “in another alternate universe.” After fans rebelled over last season’s dream-sex finale, I doubt they’d play us again.

首先,男女主角Booth和Brennan,难道他们这季最后会结婚么?Hanson说:“对他俩来说,结婚的道路是曲折的,但也不一定就是不光明的。”真的假的啊?不过TV Guide小编在片场的时候还真的有看到男女主演David Boreanaz和Emily Deschanel亲过一下哦——虽说只是幕后花絮,还是在庆祝100集的派对上,香了下脸颊。他们俩要真的扮婚礼,除非是在教堂扮卧底吧?或者,如扮演Cam的Tamara所说:“还是在异度空间里头。”上一季大结局的梦里恩爱戏差点闹得粉丝们发飙,估计不敢再故伎重演吧?

Angela & Hodgins “Angela and Hodgins almost made it down the aisle at the end of the second season. They realized Angela was already married to Berimbau and then broke up,” says Michaela Conlin (Angela). “Although Wendell is turning out to be more than a roll in the hay, Angela is very in love with Hodgins and will eventually end up with him.” I agree and am placing my bets on them! If her character married Wendell, she says, “Fans would probably be upset, and I’d also be a bit bummed.”

接着就轮到配角Angela跟Hodgins这俩了。扮演Angela的Michaela Conlin自己都说:“他们俩第二季最后就已经进了礼堂,但是想起来说Angela曾经在旅途中嫁给了Berimbau,几经波折之后俩人分手了。虽说现在Wendell同学不是因为一时冲动谈恋爱的对象,可归根结底呢,Angela还是深深爱着Hodgins,他们俩最终一定会喜结连理的。”大伙儿都把宝押在这对身上,Michaela还说,要她演的角色最后嫁给了Wendell,“不但粉丝们会翻脸,我自己都会小不爽咧。”

Daisy & Sweets “These two are a hot-and-heavy couple,” says Hanson. Maybe, but this newbie intern is hardly May sweeps bride material.


Camille & Mystery Man “Cam will be meeting a love interest this season,” says Hanson. This comes as welcome news to Tamara. “Cam hasn’t had a date in years, so it will be interesting to see how ungraceful she is falling in love,” Tamara says. “But I don’t think I’m the bride.”


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