

2010-02-05 10:26
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Well-known singer, actress and "eternal idol" Matsuda Seiko (47) will make an appearance on the American hit-series "Bones", it has been announced today. She’ll still make her entry as a Japanese journalist in the currently airing 5th season with her first scenes airing in April.

知名歌手、日本永远的青春偶像、现年47岁的松田圣子(小编:完全完全看不出来哇!长得太嫩了!!),将参演人气 美剧《识骨寻踪》。根据日本媒体报道称,《识骨寻踪》第五季第15集将于一段时间的暂停之后,于4月回归荧屏,届时松田将扮演一名日本记者。

The show is based on forensic science, with each episode focusing on an FBI case file concerning the mystery behind human remains brought by FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz, 40) to the forensic anthropology team of Dr. Temperance "Bones" Brennan (Emily Deschanel, 33).

《识骨寻踪》讲述了一名女性法医人类学家Temperance Brennan博士(小编:俗称Bones,当然也只有她亲耐滴搭档筒子能这么叫……),凭借分析受害者的尸骨的特殊方式,帮助她的FBI搭档 Seeley Booth解决各种疑难案件。

Matsuda received the offer from the production team since they were in need of a good actress for the role of a Japanese journalist that is supposed to cover some of Brennan’s work. She’s fluent in English, her acting is unquestionable and her popularity high. There is no doubt that they’ve chosen the right actress for the role. In the 90’s she already made her singer debut in several music markets including America with rather good results for an Asian artist, so she isn’t totally unfamiliar with the American market nor the language.

这位日本记者将为女主角Brennan的工作做报道,由于松田圣子本身英语很好,演技精 湛,而且又有着超高的人气,可谓是这一角色的不二之选。上个世纪90年代曾在美国推出唱片,在全美排行榜都拿到不俗的名次。就是在当时松田圣子突击英文, 并在当地演出了不少电影电视剧。

Once she got the offer, she didn’t hesitate to agree even though she didn’t even receive the script. Both sides were happy and she worked hard to memorize the script despite her nationwide tour in November and December. At the beginning of this year she then filmed 2 weeks for the series without the media finding out.

本身就是《识骨寻踪》剧迷的松田圣子当然和剧组一拍即合,还没收到剧本就拍板接戏。据悉去年她11月~12月期间的巡演期间就已经看了剧本,开年头两周就 躲开媒体,秘密到美国进行了拍摄。

The American staff and even the starring actress Deschanel were really surprised about her level of professionalism. She might be fluent an all, but none of them expected her to be that good despite the English script. "I tried not to be a bother for them. You fully have to understand your partner’s words and be able to answer properly." Unfortunately it won’t be an addition to the regular cast, but Matsuda would be ready whenever they are. "I really would love to play that role again."
而在美国,让剧组工作人员感佩的是松田圣子的 专业精神。她表示挑战全英文台词一点也不困难:“没有任何迷惑,理解了对方的意思之后就用自己的语言对话。” 对此众多和松田圣子合作本剧的人员赞不绝口:“她的专业意识太强了。”

First Sanada Hiroyuki (49) for "Lost", then Takeuchi Yuuko (29) for "Flash Forward" and now Matsuda? Her role isn’t a regular one, but could this still be a new wave of Japanese actors on American television series? One thing is for sure, her appearance alone will boost the series in Japan a lot.

最近有不少日本艺人参演了热门美剧,比如真田广之加盟《迷失》、竹内结子参演《未来闪影》等等越来越多,在日本本国也引起不小的话题,今次松田圣子参演 《BONES》相信会引发更大的话题。

题外话:日本TBS电视台也从2008年开始播出《识骨寻踪》,剧集在日 本同样受到观众的喜爱和追捧。《识骨寻踪》第四季的DVD也将于今年三月在日本问世。

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