

2010-02-01 06:35
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A fact that has got fans of "Gossip Girl" rooting for the show will soon be ended. E! Online reported that the show's fan-favorite couple will meet a dead end in their relationship and that "it's a bad, bad breakup."


There will be no more Chuck and Blair romance in the upcoming episodes. This has been a rumor for sometime but E! could confirm the news, adding that the culprit in the split is Chuck. The Bass Empire successor does "something horrible" that everyone will hate him for it. His uncle Jack Bass is also involved in the implication.

据说接下来就没有什么Blair和Chuck的甜蜜蜜感情戏了。虽然只是个坊间流言,但娱乐在线却证实了这一消息,并补充说Chuck是造成分手的元凶。这位Bass王朝的继承人做出了“令人发指的事情”,使得人人恨之入骨。而其叔父Jack Bass也在这个烂摊子中间插了一脚。

"Gossip Girl" is taking a hiatus to give the time slot for new series "Life Unexpected". It will return on March 8 but the break up plot will only occur either on April 5 episode "Inglourious Bassterds" or the next one, "The Unblairable Lightness of Being".



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