

@贺小米要养龙猫 2016-08-11 08:45
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Showtime announced premiere dates for two of its biggest series, Homeland and Billions.

The award-winning Homeland, which has traditionally aired in the fall, will move to winter for its sixth season and premiere on Jan. 15 at 9/8c. Homeland will reveal the fate of Peter Quinn (Rupert Friend) after last season's cliffhanger left his life in jeopardy. The new season will take place in New York, and center in part on a presidential election, with Elizabeth Marvel playing the president-elect.
拿奖小能手《国土安全》前几季都是在秋季档开播,今年将会被调整到冬季档,定档1月15日开播。《国土安全》第六季将会揭露Peter Quinn第五季留下的巨大悬念。新季将会发生在纽约,聚焦在美国的总统选举上,Elizabeth Marvel将会扮演总统参选人。

Billions, which also stars Homeland alum Damian Lewis, will kick off its second season on Feb. 19 at 10/9c.
而由《国土安全》明星Damian Lewis参演的《亿万》将会在2月19日开播第二季。
