
看老友记学英语1.13 坦白交代

甲酸盐 2016-07-02 09:00
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看老友记Friends学英语 第一季第十三集




Mr. Tribbiani:Hey, Joe.

Joey:Dad, Ronni's here.

Mr. Tribbiani:Huh?


Mr. Tribbiani:Hey! Hello, babe! Wh what're what're you doing here?

Ronni:Oh, uh, well, you left your good hair at my apartment, I figured you'd need it tomorrow for your meeting. (Hands him the hair)

Mr. Tribbiani: Thank you. Uh...

Chandler:So, who's up for a big game of Kerplunk?

Ronni:Look, I uh, I shouldn'ta come. I-I'd better get going, I don't wanna miss the last train.

Mr. Tribbiani:I don't want you taking that thing.

Ronni:Oh, where'm I gonna stay, here?


Mr. Tribbiani:We'll go to a hotel.

Ronni:(Shrugs) We'll go to a hotel.

Joey: No you won't.

Ronni:No we won't.

Joey:If you go to a hotel you'll be...doing stuff. I want you right here where I can keep an eye onyou.

Mr. Tribbiani:You're gonna keep an eye on us?

Joey:That's right, mister, and I don't care how old you are, as long as you're under my roof you're gonna live by my rules. And that means no sleeping with your girlfriend.

Ronni:Wow. He's strict.

Joey:Now dad, you'll be in my room, Ronni uh, you can stay in Chandler's room.

Ronni:Thanks. You're, uh, you're a good kid.

Chandler:C'mon, I'll show you to my room. ...That sounds so weird when it's not followed by "No thanks, it's late."

Joey:Okay. Now this is just for tonight. Starting tomorrow, you gotta make a change. This has gone on long enough.

Mr. Tribbiani:What kinda change?

Joey:Well, either you break it offwithRonni

Mr. Tribbiani:I can't do that!

Joey:Then you gottacome cleanwith Ma! This is not right!

Mr. Tribbiani:Yeah, but this is

Joey: I don't wanna hear it! Now go to my room!



#39;s up for a big game of Kerplunk?:谁想玩“Kerplunk”?

be up for sth.:被提名候选人;在法庭受审;打算;开价出售;为... 做好准备

2. keep an eye on:监视

keep an eye on

1)watch in order to take care of 照料

Please keep an eye on my housewhen I am out on holiday.我外出度假时,请照料一下我的房子。

Please keep an eye on my child while I'm away.我不在时,请你帮我照看一下孩子。

2)have an eye on;watch carefully;not stop paying attention to 谨慎注意;不停地注意

We should always keep an eye on the progress of science in the world.我们应密切注意世界上的科学发展。

Keep an eye on the time so you won't be late.注意看看时间,不要迟到了。

We have to keep an eye on the opportunities for business.我们必须注意做生意的机会。

A good driver keeps his eye on the road.好的驾驶员会注意看路。

3)guard 看守;密切注视;警戒

That man looks suspicious;keep an eye on him.那人形迹可疑,注意他。

The bank guard kept an eye on the parking lot while they were loading the armored truck with money.在给装甲车上装钱时,银行的卫兵密切注视着停车场。

3. break it off with:与……断绝关系

break off用法:

1)separate by breaking 弄碎;折掉

He broke off a piece of chocolate and offered it to me.他掰开一块巧克力递给了我。

He broke off a branch and gave it to me.他折了一根树枝,把它递给了我。

2)(relationship,agreement)end or terminate suddenly(关系、协议等)突然结束;解除

The two countries broke off their relations last month.这两个国家上个月中断了外交关系。

Unfortunately the negotiations have been broken off and are not expected to be resumed.不幸的是,谈判已中断,而且不能指望再恢复了。

The girl broke off her engagement last week.这个女孩上周解除了婚约。

3)stop speaking;cease suddenly 中止(谈话);突然停止

We had to break off our discussion because it was getting late.时间晚了,我们不得不中断讨论。

Jack broke off telling the story to answer the telephone.杰克中断了正在讲的故事,去接一个电话。

The conference broke off at noon.中午休会。

Bill broke off in the middle of his speech because of shouts of protest from the audience.彼尔在听众的一片抗议声中中断了发言。

4)stop working for a short time 工间休息

Let's break off for ten minutes.我们休息10分钟吧。

The whole cast broke off for coffee in the middle of the rehearsal.在排练当中全体演员休息了一会喝咖啡。

5)abandon;interrupt 放弃;打断

The doctor advised him to break off smoking.医生劝他戒烟。

Her intrusion broke off our conversation.她闯进来打断了我们的谈话。

4. come clean:如实交代,坦白承认,彻底交待,和盘托出


I think you have to come clean.


Clean your shoes before you come into the house.


Why don't you come clean and tell us your plans?


The mechanical units are fitted last. Finally come the testing, cleaning and signing off for delivery.


Cleaning shoes and clothes before coming home from a trip removes unwanted insects.


