

Thom Leavy 2016-06-22 10:00
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Westworld's intriguing new teaser trailer, released before Game of Thrones last night, is certainly a tease. While the original film was set in a futuristic attraction full of robotic brothels and malfunctioning gunfighters, Westworld the series is populated by sentient artificial intelligence (and possibly set in virtual reality). It has been called "a dark odyssey about the dawn of artificial consciousness and the future of sin" by The Hollywood Reporter.

Anthony Hopkins plays the genius at the helm of this digital Dodge City, and it looks like he will not be as adorable as Richard Attenborough's grandfatherly architect of Jurassic Park. This is familiar territory for EP Jonathan Nolan, who has co-written and contributed to reality challenging films like Memento, Interstellar, and Terminator Salvation. Nolan and fellow Westworld executive J.J. Abramspreviously collaborated on the series Person of Interest, with its own elements of artificial consciousness.
安东尼·霍普金斯饰演了一个掌控数码道奇城的天才,而他却并不会像《侏罗纪公园》中的建筑师理查德·阿滕伯勒那样和蔼可亲。这部剧集很对编辑乔纳森·诺兰的胃口,他参与创作了许多超现实影片如《记忆碎片》、《星际穿越》、《终结者》。诺兰和《西方世界》的制作人J.J. 艾布拉斯姆之前还合作过同样充满人工意识元素的《疑犯追踪》。

