
美版《流星花园》开播 杉菜F4齐遭吐槽

沪江英语 2014-01-01 10:30
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(美国版《流星花园》Boys Before Friends 第一集)

Have you heard about the American remake of “Boys Over Flowers”? The story of a middle-class girl and four wealthy, handsome bullies has been made into at least four TV shows around the world. The U.S. version, called “Boys Before Friends,” premiered last night, exclusively on .
你有没有听说过美国翻拍版的《流星花园》?这部讲述一个平凡女孩和四个高富帅的青春偶像故事在全世界范围内至少被翻拍过四次。美国版的《流星花园》更名为“Boys Before Friends”,已于12月27日在网站独家播出。

Grown Ups and Graduate School

“Boys Before Friends” takes the classic love story out of high school and plants it in a performing arts graduate school. As we meet the main characters in the opening sequence, we learn that they are adults in their 20s who live apart from their families.
《Boys Before Friends》把这个传统的爱情故事从高中搬出来,移植进了一个表演艺术研究院。在开场的顺序中我们可以看到,几位主演都是20多岁的成人了,已经从家庭独立出去。

This is one important difference between the American and the Asian versions, which featured parents in major decision-making roles. We’ll have to wait to see whether the infamous evil mother appears in future episodes!

Bullying Is for All Ages

In the first episode, we see some familiar bullying scenes inspired by the Asian dramas: An innocent girl gets her homemade cake smashed in her face, and classmates pour trash on the heroine, Zoey.

There are even some more creative tactics added to the mix. While it’s unusual to see this kind of behavior from adults in graduate school, the description of the four “F4” boys reveals that privileged backgrounds have allowed them to act like children with no consequences.


Zoey, a dancer from a middle class family, gets accepted to an elite program for the rich and famous her final year of Grad-School. The school is run by 4 guys from the most elite families in the country known as the F4. When Zoey stands up to the F4, she finds herself on the bad end of their temper before finally falling in love with the leader.
