

人人影视 2013-04-07 11:08
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Jonathan Nolan has been, at least in part, responsible for some of the biggest movies of the last decade. Working with his brother Christopher, Nolan scripted both The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises, as well as cult classics Memento and The Prestige.
乔纳森·诺兰(Jonathan Nolan)负责制作过,起码参与制作了过去十年中几部最成功电影作品。他与哥哥克里斯托弗·诺兰(Christopher Nolan)不仅共同创作了《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》(Dark Knight)以及《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》(The Dark Knight Rises)的剧本,还写出了《记忆碎片》(Memento)和《致命魔术》(The Prestige)这两部悬疑经典。

He’s recently been working on his own, as creator and showrunner of Channel 5’s crime thriller, Person of Interest, the first season of which is released on Blu-Ray and DVD this week, our review is here.
最近,他又有了一份新工作,那就是担任他自己开发的罪案美剧《疑犯追踪》(Person of Interest)的主创与监制。该剧第一季的蓝光碟和DVD已于本周正式发售。 

We recently spoke to Nolan to promote the release, and during our conversation he spoke about the creeping impact of surveillance on our society, the comparisons between superhero stories and classical epics, and the enjoyment he feels collaborating with other people.

HeyUGuys: What was the origin of Person of Interest, when did it come about?

Jonathan Nolan: I lived in the UK until I was 11, and then moved to the states. At that point we had CCTV cameras everywhere in London, then I move to the states and they didn’t have them anywhere. It was a big difference, and it got me fascinated with the idea of surveillance, and the idea of who’s watching. There are the cameras, but who’s on the other side of them.



So for you it’s about the surveillance culture rather than exploring people going off and acting upon what they see?

I think it’s about both. I’m fascinated with the world becoming a quite considerably stranger place, while looking the same on the outside.



There’s a degree of distrust of government in the series as well.

Absolutely. I think there should be a healthy distrust. It’s not a political decision so much as a recognition that our capacity, and our government’s capacity to keep an eye on us; and honestly, lately more than the government, companies like Google and Facebook that make me wonder. Their capacity to surveil us far outstrips the laws, and outpaces the laws that we’ve enacted to keep track of them.

There’s a problem, and a growing problem, and it’s not going to get better any time soon. By the time the laws have been changed to reflect – privacy laws are a fascinating example. In the states right now, at the very least, and I haven’t kept pace with privacy laws in the UK – but in the states, there’s virtually zero protection. Nothing. Our information’s spewing into this pile, and we don’t really have a great idea who controls it and what they do with it. And frankly by the time the laws have been changed to give a little more transparency about what’s happening with that – Let me give you an example: do you have an iPhone?




I have an Android.

It’s roughly the same thing. Google in many ways is an admirable company, any company whose internal slogan is, ‘don’t be evil’, it’s sort of self-evident. There’s great capacity there to do evil. The people there are very idealistic and interesting people, but the capacity that Google already has, using your phone to abuse that information – it’s really just a question of who’s running the company, and what they’re doing with that information. It’s not about insidious threat, I think it’s more of a creeping threat, where you’re monitored and surveiled in ways that Orwell couldn’t possibly have dreamt of.



Do you do a lot of investigation into these things, and the technology behind it.

We do a fair amount of research, and the writers here – we have a big writing staff, and I think we’ve corrupted all of them to see the world in a slightly different, darker way, suddenly exchanging e-mails with each other about the latest developments. It’s overwhelming. There’s so much of it, it’s such a groundswell here. People for the most part getting on with their lives, they don’t really pay attention.

We’re at the advent of this, and I don’t see much future in this, but you have domestic law enforcement agencies: municipal law enforcement agencies, at least, agitating to get their own drones. Again, I think that’s kind of a blip on the radar, but it’s fascinating none the less. We’re in an arms race here with surveillance that we – we being civilian consumers, regular people – are definitely losing.



