

贺小米要养龙猫 2012-12-11 14:00
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The Walking Dead mid-season finale last week was huge for many reasons but one was that we were introduced to Tyreese, a fan favorite from the graphic novel on which the series is based. Chad L. Coleman, who plays Tyreese, explained how he came to the producers for the role earlier this week on a press call.
上周播放的《行尸走肉》第三季冬歇前的最后一集意义重大,原因之一就是这一集出现了原版漫画中非常受读者喜爱的角色Tyreese。在剧中,这个角色是Chad L. Coleman扮演,今天他就来跟我们说说拿到这个角色的故事。

“Robert Kirkman was a huge fan of The Wire and the character I played on The Wire, I think that's kind of the origin of their interest in me.” As for his research for his role on the AMC series, he said.
说到为什么找他来《行尸走肉》演这个角色时他说:“Robert Kirkman很喜欢看我在《The Wire》中的表现,我觉得这应该是他们想让我来《行尸走肉》参演的一个原因。”

As far as acting with the many zombies, Coleman said that the realness of them truly is a benefit in his acting and is tough to shake even when the cameras have stopped rolling. “It's just so real, it's just eerie,” he said, “but the most eerie part of it is to see them just doing regular things like in-between takes or going to lunch break - just to watch a guy getting the salad dressing, putting it - and he's, you know, all made up - all zombied out, it's pretty hilarious!”
