

沪江英语 2012-07-17 09:30
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Forget new Season 6 scoop or romantic tidbits for a moment, we must start with this:

The Big Bang Theory raffled off an actual ride into outer space at today's Comic-Con panel, giving out a trip aboard the Link Suborbital Space Plane to a female attendee (Mercedes Becerra of Paso Robles, CA).

That, Jim Parsons chiming in via satellite and the following revelations all combined to make for one entertaining Q&A session…

Yes, Chuck Lorre promised, there is a "romance planned for Raj." The series creator also joked about a crossover between TBBT and Two and a Half Men, considering the latter is now also on Thursday nights:

"It would be great to have one of the gang tutor Jake, because he’s such a knucklehead.”

Will we ever learn Penny's last name? Fans shouldn't count on it. "I think she's just like Cher, she just goes by one name," Kaley Cuoco.

From afar, Parsons said he enjoys the "exploration of the whole Amy and Sheldon relationship, it's very fun to see where that's going... as slowly as that may be."

Simon Helberg on his tight pants: "I help with the stuffing. It's a lot of sucking in and hanging."

Johnny Galecki was unable to attend, but he has a great excuse: his flight from Iraq, where he was on a USO tour, was delayed.

沪江娱乐快讯:先别提第六季的剧透和浪漫的小花絮了!在今日的圣地亚哥漫展上,《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)剧组为粉丝送上了一份超级大礼。一位幸运的女粉丝即将乘坐飞船到太空游历一番!

吉姆·帕森斯(Jim Parsons)通过卫星视频连线“亲临”漫展现场。全体剧组人员欢乐爆料,问答环节笑点十足。

制片人恰克·罗利(Chuck Lorre)承诺拉杰将迎来一段恋情。

鉴于在今年秋季档开始时,罗利制作的《好汉两个半》(Two and a Half Men)也移到了周四播出,他开玩笑说也许两部戏可以来个人物大交叉。他说:“如果在座几位之一能去辅导杰克(Jake)就太好了,杰克就是个小蠢蛋。”

我们什么时候才能知道佩妮(Penny)的姓呢?大家还是别指望答案了。卡莉·库柯(Kaley Cuoco)说:“我觉得佩妮就像雪儿(Cher 著名歌手)一样,她只有名没有姓。”


西蒙·赫尔伯格(Simon Helberg)聊到了霍华德的标志性服饰紧身裤。他说:“穿的时候我也有帮忙,我得提着气把自己塞进去。”

约翰尼·盖尔克奇(Johnny Galecki)正随美国劳军联合组织在伊拉克访问,因返回美国的飞机延误,他未能准时到达漫展现场。 
