

沪江英语 2012-06-10 09:00
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With an intriguing premise and a pair of outstanding leads in Michael Emerson and Jim Caviezel, it delivered on all fronts. What were the high points? What do hope to see in 2012-2013? What would we change?Read on as we grade Person of Interest's first season in TV Fanatic's Report Card series.

激动人心的故事背景、两位杰出的男主角迈克尔·爱默生(Michael Emerson)和詹姆斯·卡维泽(Jim Caviezel)使得该剧在各个层面都充满了吸引力。当第一季正式正式画上句号,其中有哪些情节是你的最爱?在即将到来的第二季中我们希望看到些什么?一起来看看TV Fanatic网站评出的《疑犯追踪》首季成绩单吧!


Best Character: While I truly think the characters are entertaining in their own rights and even have Detective Fusco up on the list, I have to go with John Reese. It might seem predictable because he's the series lead, but the guy knows how to kick ass with such a cool swagger that it never gets old watching him do it every single episode.Plus, there's plenty of backstory and humanity, so he's not just a walking Terminator.

最佳角色:剧中每个角色都有其独特的魅力,就连弗斯科警探(Fusco)也不例外;如果一定要选,前CIA特工约翰·里瑟(John Reese)无疑是最亮眼的一个。这答案似乎毫无悬念,不仅仅因为他是整个故事的灵魂人物,还因为他每每气定神闲地痛揍敌人的精彩瞬间,观众总也看不腻这些优雅的暴力。除此以外,该角色的性格和背景都被塑造得相当丰盈,他有过去、有弱点、有血有肉,绝不只是一个被脸谱化的孤胆英雄。


Worst Character: I'd say towards the beginning part of the season, Detective Carter was the worst character mainly for the fact that she felt too-one dimensional and merely served as the cop trying to catch Reese.
After bringing her into the fold, she's been able to hold her own with more purpose, but I'm hoping season two can flesh her out even further like it has done with Reese, Finch, and Fusco. I want to know what drives her!



Best Episode: This one is tough mainly for the fact that there are actually plenty of really great episodes to choose from. And while I think the final three episodes are a fantastic cap to the season with a great combination of story, action, and character, I have to give it to "Root Cause."
Not only did this episode bring back Zoe and give both Finch and Reese something significant to do, but it introduced us to another enemy in the show's rogues gallery that would reappear for a fantastic payoff in the finale, "Firewall." Certainly the show was ramping up and finally getting me really hooked at this point too.

最佳单集:这可是个很难取舍的问题,因为每一集都相当精彩。尤其是第一季最后三集,剧情、画面和人物塑造完美地融为一体,将第一季推向千钧一发的高潮。就单集而论,笔者认为“最佳”的一集应属S1E13《根源》(Root Cause)。
这一集中有里瑟和芬奇的老朋友佐伊·摩根(Zoe Morgan)的回归,也有一位神秘的新反派初次登场。她是第一季POI名单中的最后一个,也是最特殊的一个。承上启下的S1E13为第一季终集铺设了线索与悬念。该剧以它独特的方式层层铺垫、持续升温,让人一集一集追下去,欲罢不能。

Worst Episode: No episode of the season was awful, but the first batch hadn't caught the rhythm and excitement the latter half of the season drove with solid force. With that in mind, "Mission Creep" would probably be the one I might be least like to watch again mostly because it was rather boring for the episode.
Don't get me wrong, there were good moments, but it doesn't come close to the quality of the more recent airing episodes like "Many Happy Returns."

最差单集:说实话,该剧没有哪一集能用“难看”来形容。美中不足的是开局有些欠缺节奏感和紧张感,后半季渐入佳境。以此为依据来评判,S1E3《使命偏离》(Mission Creep)算是相较之下稍逊一筹的单集。
但请别误解,这一集的确有不少亮点。只是作为同样以揭示过去为主旨,它的品质远不如S1E21《生日快乐,里瑟先生》(Many Happy Returns)。



Best Guest Star: Paige Turco nailed it as the smart, sexy, and fiendishly clever Zoe Morgan. She not only had a great rapport with Jim Caviezel, but having her character pop up in a few episodes was always a treat.She fit right in with the team and I hope she comes back.

最佳客串演员:出演佐伊·摩根的佩奇·图柯(Paige Turco)。她出色地扮演了一位聪明、迷人、不同寻常的女性。佐伊的出现总是能给故事带来惊喜,希望她第二季还能再回归。

Most Underused Character: I would have at first said Nathan Ingram's son, Will, because he seemed so promising and then left, but at least he has the opportunity to come back.
As for Alicia Corwin, while a shocking death, we never really got to learn much about her aside from the fact that she wanted to defeat Finch. Maybe flashbacks for next season might give us more insight?

最酱油角色:首当其冲的酱油帝当属内森·英格拉姆(Nathan Ingram)的儿子威尔(Will)。他看起来有很多故事可发展,但却匆匆退场了。但至少我们还能期待他有回归的可能。
至于另一位酱油帝艾莉西亚·考文(Alicia Corwin),她突如其来地被杀让所有人都吃了一惊。我们都以为能从她身上了解到更多关于芬奇的往事呢!或者在下一季会有关于她的闪回也说不定?



Hopes for Season 2: There are many directions it could go and I hope that it follows a similar pattern to Person of Interest Season 1 in utilizing closed-ended episodes while at the same time laying in bits and pieces of an overall story arc.
I'm really hoping we explore more of Nathan Ingram and the Machine as well as a variety of unique ways John Reese gets to beat up and take down his enemies. I can only imagine what new bad guys await.
It's just unfortunate we have to wait until fall to find out where the show is headed next!

