

沪江英语编译 2011-11-15 16:22
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Grey's Anatomy reunion: Katherine Heigl and Ellen Pompeo catch up over lunch with their adorable daughters

They worked together on hit television show Grey's Anatomy, and it seems the two actresses have remained firm friends.
凯瑟琳·海格尔 (饰演Izzie Stevens) 和艾伦·旁派 (饰演Meredith Grey)曾经共同出演ABC经典医学题材剧《实习医生格蕾》,不过看起来他们私下也是老友哦。


Katherine Heigl, 32, and Ellen Pompeo, 41, spent some quality time together yesterday afternoon with their adorable daughters.

Katherine looked very autumnal in jeans, knee-high brown boots and a lighter coloured coat.

While Ellen also wore jeans but paired hers with ankle boots and a grey raincoat.


Katherine's precious daughter Naleigh, three, and Ellen's cute little one Stella Luna, two, were both seen wearing boots and bundled up for the chilly Los Angeles weather.
凯瑟琳的三岁的娇娇女Naleigh和艾伦两岁的可爱宝宝Stella Luna都穿着靴子包裹严实,洛杉矶的天气可真冷啊!

Ellen's birthday is within a few days, so it is presumed that she was there to celebrate her birthday with Katherine.
艾伦的生日快到了,所以据估计她可能是来跟凯瑟琳一起庆祝生日。(小编碎碎念:亲爱的Meredith 生日快乐~)


But they also may have been talking about life after Grey's and how the 27 Dresses star made a successful career for herself in the movie industry.
不过老友重聚,他们肯定也要聊聊凯瑟琳完成《实习医生格蕾》中角色后在电影界大展拳脚的成功吧。(小编注:凯瑟琳曾在《实习医生格蕾》1到6季中出现魅力四射的医生Izzie Stevens一角,但第6季结束后凯瑟琳就辞演,自此没有在《实习医生格蕾》中出现,倒是拍摄了几部叫好叫座的电影,如《新娘靠边闪》等。)

Ellen has been named one of the top ten highest paid television actresses earning $7 million last year for her role of Meredith Grey on the ABC medical drama.
艾伦凭借在《实习医生格蕾》中出演的Meredith Grey一角一举跻身去年美国收入最高的电视女演员前10位之列,去年年收入700万美元。


But the star, who is married to record producer Chris Ivery,  has hinted that she may not be back to Grey's after her contract ends at the end of this season.
不过已为人妻的艾伦(老公为音乐制作人Chris Ivery)已经暗示在本季与剧组的合同结束后,可能不会再继续《实习医生格蕾》下一季的拍摄。

'I was invited for eight years... that was my contract... and no one has asked me for a day more,' she said.

'But I would love the opportunity to discuss it,' she added in regards to extending her contract.
“要是有机会可以跟导演沟通下一季拍摄的问题,我会乐意。” 她也表示想要续约的意愿。(小编碎碎念:导演你可千万要续签艾伦啊,没有了Meredith的《实习医生格蕾》对我们这些粉们来说就莫有意义了呀!)

Meanwhile, Katherine recently got to smooch rocker Jon Bon Jovi as part of her latest role in the upcoming New Year's Eve film.
同时,老友凯瑟琳将在新年前夕上映的电影中亲吻乔恩··乔维(小编注:美国著名重金属摇滚乐队Bon Jovi的主场兼吉他手),艳福不浅哦!
