

西班牙 2006-12-08 10:58
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参与方式:看Prison Break片段,将下面的空格部分补充完整。鼠标移至粗斜体字,会显示相关解释哦~~

What's this?
Tancredi: Nothing.
Nurse: You stalker?
Tancredi: I am not a stalker. I just... I don't get it.
Nurse: What is there to get?
Tancredi: He doesn't fit the profile, right? The man's got a graduate degree. He lives in my neighborhood.           1           . They drink single malt scotch. They...they pay $200 for Cubs tickets. They don't rob banks.
Nurse: Maybe he couldn't afford season tickets. Maybe that's why he robbed the bank.
Tancredi: Thank you. I'm actually being serious.
Nurse: Can I ask you something?
Tancredi: Yeah.
Nurse: Why do you care so much?
Tancredi: 'Cause he lied to me.
Nurse: They all lie to you.
Tancredi: Maybe because he's the one guy in here I can actually get to... one guy I can... make a difference with.
Nurse: Go home, girl.          2           .
Tancredi: Good night.


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