
看生活大爆炸学英语第一季第九集(3) 你还真是难伺候

sarah86 2013-08-22 17:38
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Howard 把Sheldon和Leonard在主题会议上吵架打架的视频传到网上去,竟然被加精顶置.最后出现两个中国人的对话,小编很是好奇,两个中国人的普通话怎么说的那么怪.不知道大家是否有同样想法.

SHELDON: You could have offered me a ride home.

LEONARD: You're lucky I didn't run you over.

SHELDON: I don't understand what you're unhappy about. You begged me to come, I came. There's just no pleasing you.

LEONARD: You're right. I'm the problem, the one that needs help.

SHELDON: Well, that's not much of an apology, but I'll take it.

LEONARD: Excuse me. Is there anything you'd like to apologize for?

SHELDON: Yes. Ahem. I'm sorry I tried to blow up your head. It was uncalled for.

HOWARD:You won't believe this.

RAJ:Somebody got the whole thing on their cell phone and put it on YouTube.


SHELDON: Now, who would do that?

HOWARD:That would be me. Check it out. It's a featured video.

SHELDON:You hit me. You saw that. He hit me.

LEONARD: You tried to blow up my head.

SHELDON: So it was working.

LEONARD: It was not-- You are a nutcase.

SHELDON: We'll see about that. You people in the front row, heads up. This is a splash zone.

LEONARD: Stop it. Quit it. Quit it.

1. run over在…上驶过,(撞倒并)碾过

2. There's just no pleasing you.你还真是难满足,你还真是难伺候呢.

3. uncalled for. 不必要的;不适当的,不适宜的;没有理由的

4. featured video加精视频,顶置视频.

5. heads up小心当心,留神

6. splash zone飞溅区, 上课坐在第一排的童鞋一定很有感触,上完有些老师的课后,当是洗过脸了一样(夸张点的说)



