
Paula Patton将参演ABC最新恐怖美剧

@贺小米要养龙猫 2017-01-21 08:40
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Paula Patton will star in a summer drama series for ABC called Somewhere Between, Deadline reports.
Deadline报道,Paula Patton将会参演ABC电视台的夏季剧《Somewhere Between》。

Somewhere Between, which has a 10-episode straight-to-series order from the network, is about a high-powered news producer named Laura Price (Patton) who knows her daughter is going to be murdered. She doesn't know who the killer is or why it's going to happen, but she knows when, where and how. The show will follow her as she attempts to escape the inevitable and keep her daughter out of harm's way.
《Somewhere Between》第一季暂定10集,讲的是一个新闻制作人Laura Price,她知道自己的女儿将会被谋杀。他不知道谁是杀手,也不知道为什么会这样,但是她知道这场谋杀案会发生在什么时候,以及如何发生。这部剧将会讲述她如何不让这场可怕的事情发生在女儿的身上。

Somewhere Between is based on a Korean series. It will premiere in summer 2017. The premise is weirdly similar to another upcoming ABC series called 10 Days in the Valley, which stars Kyra Sedgwick as a TV producer whose daughter goes missing.
这部美剧是根据韩剧改编的,预计将会在2017年夏季开播。这部剧跟ABC美剧《10 Days in the Valley》有些相似,这部剧是由Kyra Sedgwick也是一位电视制作人,他的女儿是失踪了。
