
畅谈世界文化:50 你能看懂毕加索吗? (1/2)

2011-09-30 11:11
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Picasso 毕加索
Cubism 立体派
Les Demoiselles de Avignon 《亚威农的少女》
Jacqueline 杰奎琳
Jules, just look at this amazing painting. It is amazing, but what is it exactly? It's a Picasso! The style you are looking at is called "Cubism", it does look kind of strange, I must admit. Yes, strange but beautiful. What's it called? Let me see. This one is Les Demoiselles de Avignon, painted in 1907. 1907? That's 100 years ago, but his work looks so modern! Well, he was born in 1881, so I guess all of his pieces are old. Did you know he created over 20,000 paintings, prints, drawings, sculptures, ceramics, theatre sets and costumes? He must have lived to be a very old man to do all of that during his life. He died when he was 92, so he had a long life, yes. I heard he was a bit of a womaniser, he had many girlfriends, who he often painted and had many children. Yes, that's true. But I think he only married twice. His true love was a lady called Jacqueline, who he married in 1961. by then he was already 79 years old!
相关热点: 世界杯 国家冷知识 雅思