
巴西妓女借热世界杯 推出色情T恤(双语有声)

2010-06-04 10:21
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Prostitutes in Rio de Janeiro Wednesday adopted World Cup fever, launching a range of green-and-gold t-shirts emblazoned with raunchy  football phrases.


"Eu jogo pelada" read one of the Portuguese-language slogans, playing on a phrase that means both "I play naked" and "I play football".

其中一件T恤衫上的标语用葡萄牙语写道“Eu jogo pelada”,这个标语一语双关,既可理解为“裸奔”,也可表示“踢足球”。

"Put it in, Selecao!" went another exhortation to the Brazil side.


In a further bit of innuendo, the numbers on the backs of the t-shirts were all 69.

更具暗示性的是,所有T恤背面的数字都是 69。

Each of the t-shirts were selling for 17 dollars -- "or half of what I get for turning a trick in the Rio suburb where I work," one of the prostitute-models showing off the attire, Gerenilza Marinho, 56, explained to the Folha de Sao Paulo daily.


She and fellow sex workers were to parade the novelty t-shirts in a Rio fashion show later Wednesday.


Money raised was to go to Daspu, an association fighting against discrimination of prostitutes and for alternative revenues for older sex workers.


:sexually explicit(淫秽的,下流的)
play on (words): a word or turn of phrase with a double meaning, a pun or other humorous use of language(双关语,语带双关)
side:one of two or more opposing individuals, groups, teams, or sets of opinions(运动队,球队)
innuendo:an indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression; an insinuation(暗讽,影射的话)
turn a trick:(of a prostitute) to engage in a sexual act with a customer(接客卖淫)


