

2010-04-06 07:00
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俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫昨天突然访问局势动荡的达吉斯坦共和国,并誓言采取更严厉的反恐措施。梅德韦杰夫将与北高加索地区领导人——达吉斯坦共和国、印古什共 和国以及车臣地区的领导人举行会晤,商讨反恐问题。在梅德韦杰夫到访的前一天,达吉斯坦的基兹利亚尔市继莫斯科之后,也发生了连环自杀式炸弹袭击。此前世 界上最繁忙地铁之一的莫斯科地铁周一接连发生两起恶性恐怖爆炸事件。

Russian president Dmitry Medvedev made a surprise visit to the Public of Dagestan and said Russia must destroy those behind suicide bombings that killed at least fifty people this week.

For the last period of time we’ve had some success in fighting terrorism. We successfully ripe the heads of the most influence abundance, but it seems not enough. In any case at certain time, we will find them all and we will punish them all, just we did with the previous ones. We will only act in that way.

Attacks in Moscow and Dagestan have stole fields that is a mist militants from North Caucasus, maybe at a stop at a major bombing campaign against Russia hot land. The whole-ordinated bomb list in Russia’s North Caucasus was the latest outbreak in surge violence in the region that is challenging the criming a decade of the war against Chechen spriest. The deadly attacks in Moscow two days previously have also been linked to surgeons from region. Monday’s doubles joined from two female suicide bombers contribute to the worst attack on Russia’s capital in sixteen years.

In total thirty nine people were killed in the bloses, and at least seventy two were injured, many of seriously. An official say the death toll can rise as a result.

Funerals for victims have gunned will continue taking place throughout the week, while morals have been to top at both stations with the attack to place.


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