

2014-01-28 18:59
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Frequent consumption of sugary snacks is the principal cause of tooth decay, which can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort. "Although this research is still in the early stages there is no doubt that sugar-free yoghurts provide a much healthier alternative to sweets and chocolate, and we would encourage snackers to incorporate them into their diet." One in four people suffer from bad breath regularly, while 19 in 20 are affected by gum disease at some point in their lives. However, Dr Carter stressed that the best way to beat bad breath was by adopting a good oral health routine. This involves brushing twice-a-day with fluoride toothpaste, cutting down on the frequency of sugary snacks and drinks, flossing daily and visiting a dentist regularly.
经常吃含糖零食是导致蛀牙的主要原因,这会引起强烈的疼痛和不适感。 “尽管这项研究仍然处于初级阶段,毫无疑问的是,无糖酸奶是比糖果和巧克力更健康的替代品。我们应该鼓励零食爱好者们把它作为日常饮食的一部分。” 四分之一的人们经常面临口臭问题,20人中有19人都在一生中的某个阶段受到牙龈疾病的困扰。 然而,卡特医生强调防治口臭的最好方法还是养成良好的口腔卫生习惯。包括每天使用含氟化物的牙膏刷牙二次,减少含糖零食和饮料的摄入量,每天使用牙线清洁牙齿,并定期拜访牙医。