

2014-01-08 21:59
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The next day the ship enters Lake Huron, the second largest of the lakes. You can smell north here; the wind has the resinous taste of pine, and stings having blown a long way across cold water. The ship enters St Mary's River at the upper end of Huron at twilight. The river is wide and still. On either side of the river the forest comes down to the water. The country behind rises to low hunched mountains. The overwhelming impression is its absolute silence. Not even Huron itself seemed so wide, so empty, so soundless as these woods. In this silence, a gull rises beside the rail and then wheels and soars high, floats for a moment and then vanishes.
第二天,船开入人休伦湖,这是第二大湖。面向北边你可以嗅到风中夹有松脂的气味,经过冰冷的湖面从远处吹来。   在黎明时分,轮船进入休伦湖的上游圣玛丽河。圣玛丽河宽广宁静。河的两岸都有树木延伸至水中。城镇以低矮的群山为背景建起。最为深刻的印象是静谧。休伦湖是那么宽,那么空灵,寂静一如周围的树木。在寂静中,一只海鸥从围栏后飞起,盘旋,冲向云霄,滑翔一会儿,消失在在远方。