

2013-12-23 21:59
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Jennifer Aniston

Uma Thurman

Sure, celebrities like Jennifer Aniston and Uma Thurman always look chic and stylish, they also have unlimited clothing budgets that put the latest looks at their fingertips! But you can still look amazing without spending lots of money on your wardrobe. Simply try these 10 tricks. 1. Shop seasonal sales. Make seasonal purchases, winter coats, leather jackets, bathing suits, even summer dresses, at the end of the season. You'll get major discounts, and you'll be stocked up for next year. 2. Watch your fabrics. Stick to machine washable materials, and pick dry clean only garments carefully.
的确,像詹妮弗·安妮斯顿和乌玛·曼瑟这样的名人总是穿戴得时髦雅致,她们购置服饰也从来不精打细算,只要看看他们手指尖的最新装扮就知道了。 不过,你不用花很多钱来充实你的衣柜,照样可以把自己打扮得光彩照人。 试试下面的十条小窍门: 1. 购买换季减价商品。在即将换季的时候去购买衣服,如: 冬天的外套, 皮夹克,游泳衣,甚至是夏装。 你会享受到较大的折扣,而且你也可以为来年备一些衣物。 2. 注意衣服的质地。最好买可以机洗的衣料。 并在选择只能干洗的衣物时一定要小心谨慎。