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Albert Einstein



 Polytechnic School


miracle year

Sir Isaac Newton

Princeton University

Germany's rediscovery of Einstein began in 2003 when he was picked by millions of television viewers in a survey as one of the best Germans of all time. Born in the Bavarian city of Ulm in 1879, Einstein moved to Switzerland at 17 to evade military service. After graduating from the Polytechnic School in Zurich he wrote scientific papers in his spare time while working as a Swiss patent officer. In 1908, Einstein's miracle year, he formulated his theory of relativity, an explanation of the relationship between time and space that challenged a view of the universe that had stood since the days of Sir Isaac Newton 200 years before. Einstein's fame soared in 1919 after his theory was proven. He won a Nobel Prize in 1921, after which Germany and Switzerland both claimed him as theirs. Einstein returned to Germany in 1914 and lived in Berlin for 19 years before fleeing Hitler's Nazis in 1933. He took a post at Princeton University, and spent the rest of his life there. His house in Berlin was ransacked by the Nazis. Einstein gave up his German citizenship in 1932 and became a naturalised American citizen in 1940.
德国对爱因斯坦的“重新发现”始于2003年。在当时的一次调查中,他被数百万电视观众推选为德国历史上最伟大的人物之一。 1879年,爱因斯坦出生于德国乌尔姆的巴伐利亚市,17岁时,为逃避服兵役,他移居瑞士。从苏黎世联邦工业大学毕业后,他供职于瑞士联邦专利局,并在业余时间撰写科学论文。 1908年是爱因斯坦的奇迹年,他创立了阐释时空关系的相对论,挑战了物理学巨人艾萨克·牛顿始创的宇宙观,那些理论200年来一直固若磐石。 1919年,爱因斯坦的理论为科学家们所证实,一时他声名鹊起。1921年,他获得了诺贝尔物理学奖,随后德国和瑞士都争着说爱因斯坦是属于自己国家的。 1914年,爱因斯坦回到德国,随后在柏林居住了19年,直到1933年为躲避希特勒的纳粹军团的迫害而逃亡国外。他曾在美国普林斯顿大学执教,并在那里度过了晚年。 他在柏林的住宅曾遭纳粹党人洗劫。1932年,爱因斯坦放弃了德国国籍,并于1940年加入美国国籍,成为一名美国公民。