

张一鑫 2012-12-14 15:18
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本次六级考试的快速阅读文章标题为:The Three-year Solution,从标题上看基本没有太值得关注的信息,但是此标题确实可以引起读者的兴趣,到底是怎么样的一个三个解决方案。通过阅读文章会发现,本篇文章主要是讲一些大学开始采用三年学制来替代四年学制,全文从各方面分析了三年学制的利弊。本文是选自美国的新闻周刊(Newsweek)2008年5月的一篇文章,从选材方面来说,这依然沿用了六级的热门选材范围中的高等教育类,中规中矩。

2. By quoting Stephen Trachtenberg the author wants to say that__________.
A. American universities are resistant to change
B. the summer vacation contributes to student growth
C. college facilities could be put to more effective use
D. the costs of running a university are soaring

Former George Washington University president Stephen J. Trachtenberg estimates that a typical college uses its facilities for academic purposes a little more than half the calendar year.
而要解决本题,需要对此句作一点理解,此句的重点是讲大学的Facilities(设备,器材)只能为学术目的使用半年多一点的时间,那也就是说这些设备还有更多的使用的可能。于是此题应该将C. college facilities could be put to more effective use作为最佳答案。此题的难点在于定位完成后,需要对本句的信息做一个转换,也就是把原文中讲到时间的内容转化成更有效使用。在快速阅读中,这对考生是个挑战。

4. What is said about the new three-year degree program at Hartwick?
A. Its students have to earn more credits each year.
B. Non-credit courses are eliminated altogether.
C. Its faculty members teach more hours a week.
D. Some summer courses are offered free of charge.

For all of these reasons, some colleges like Hartwick are rethinking the old way of doing things and questioning decades-old assumptions about what a college degree means.

但是很遗憾,在这句中,我们无法找到四个选项与原文相对应的信息。这也是正是本题的难点所在,于是只能选择扩大定位的范围,继续寻找原文中的支持信息,最终将在下一段,也就是全文第九段的第二句:By eliminating that extra year, three-year degree students save 25 percent in costs. Instead of taking 30 credits a year, these students take 40. 找到答案。也就是说Hartwick的学生要拿更多的学分。对应到选项:A. Its students have to earn more credits each year.

本题是整个快速阅读中最难的一题,难点1:定位范围太大,整个用到八、九两段; 2信息转换,原文给的是数字信息,30和40,选项是文字描述。但好的一面是这也本篇唯一的难题,其它题目均相对较容易。另外本题也给未来的考生一点启示:个别的六级快速阅读题也有难题,考场上要大处着眼,碰到这样的题可以先选择跳过,待其它题目解决后再回头解决难题。

9. Universities are increasingly aware that they must adapt to a rapidly changing world in order to __________.
根据题干信息,本题定位到原文的第十六段,即倒数第二段:Whether they experiment with three-year degrees, offer year-round classes, challenge the tenure system—or all of the above—universities are slowly realizing that to stay competitive and relevant they must adapt to a rapidly changing world.

题目问的是目的,而原文句中也用了可以表示目的的不定式,故答案抄写自原文stay competitive and relevant即可,难度较小。需要注意的是在定位的时候,要看明白increasingly aware,和原文的slowly realizing也是一种替换。


47. What are suggested as renewable and less-polluting energy alternatives?

本题定位到第一段的第二句:But while much of the research and innovation has concentrated on finding less-polluting energy alternatives, it may be decades before clean technologies like wind and solar meet a significant portion of our energy needs.

从这里我们可以看出答案应该是风能和太阳能。但是作答时要注意答案应该是以句子的形式出现,即首字母要大写。所以建议答案为:Clean technologies like wind and solar。

48. What does the author say is a forward thinking strategy concerning the reduction of CO2 emissions?

本题定位到第三段的第三句:That forward thinking strategy is gaining support.但是这句开头的That又提示出了答案应该来自于它之前的文字,最终可以找到第三段的第一句:That sense of urgency has increased interest in capturing and storing CO2,which the IPCC says could prove provide the more than 50% reduction in emissions thought needed to reduce global warming.那么本题应该作答:Capturing and storing CO2。还是和上题一样,注意,首字母要大写。




52. What message does the author try to convey about goal-setting?
A. Its negative effects have long been neglected.
B. The goals increase people’s work efficiency.
C. Its role has been largely underestimated.
D. The goals most people set are unrealistic

What’s far less understood by scientists, however, are the potentially harmful effects of goal-setting. 直接对应到选项:A. Its negative effects have long been neglected.

59. What stopped the American economy from collapsing in 2007?
A. Self-regulatory repair mechanisms of the free market.
B. Cooperation between the government and businesses.
C. Abandonment of big government by the public.
D. Effective measures adopted by the government.

对应原文第三段第三句:Of course, when the markets came crashing down in 2007, it was decisive government intervention that saved the day.

直接对应选项:D. Effective measures adopted by the government.


54. How did Sears’ goal-setting affect its employees?
A. They were obliged to work more hours to increase their sales.
B. They competed with one another to attract more customers.
C. They resorted to unethical practice to meet their sales quota.
D. They improved their customer service on a company wide basis.

根据题干可以定位到原文第七段第二句:Such was the case, Schweitzer says, in the early 1990s when Sears imposed a sales quota on its auto repair staff.

而定位句没有讲到对雇员的影响,故扩大范围看它的下一句:It prompted employees to overcharge for work and to complete unnecessary repairs on a companywide basis.本句中给出的说法是:它促使雇员们过量工作,并在公司范围内完成了不必要的修复工作。原文用词是unnecessary(不必要的),于是选项中最为恰当的是C. They resorted to unethical practice to meet their sales quota。这个替换对于小部分考生来说是比较难的,因为不认识unethical(不道德的),其实这个词在文章前面给出了中文提示。所以提醒未来的考生朋友,阅读题文章中给出的中文提示,一定要必须要高度重视,因为这个一定是有用的,不然出题人就不用费尽提示了。


本次完形填空选材比较新颖,听音乐对大脑的好处。选自《科学美国人》杂志,文章的原名是:Hearing the Music, Honing the Mind。听音乐,磨思绪。算是出题人给考生的一点轻松,在最后解决完形的同时,也能增长见识。


本次命题所选择考查的单词难度较低,如62题:notice, notion, note, notification; 67题:subtle, elementary, sensitive, original; 69题:effort, impulse, object, attention; 74题:subjects, models, causes, lessons; 77题:trouble, transform, distract, disclose; 79题:proceed, process, prefer, predict等等。基本都是历年四六级的常考词汇,希望各位未来的考生能高度重视历年真题,把考过的词做到万无一失,那实际考试的分数肯定是高分。




相关热点: 六级答案 翻译练习